Diablo3 rant on the Battle.Net Forums...

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by ItzaHexGor, Nov 12, 2008.

Diablo3 rant on the Battle.Net Forums...

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by ItzaHexGor, Nov 12, 2008.

  1. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Posted by Nq-bubo on the Diablo3 Battle.Net forums...


    I've been keeping up with Diablo 3 news for quite a long time... I've been checking Diablofans.com which was Diablo3.com before) everyday since I found out about the site. Before the Diablo 3 announcement, I wouldn't shut up about my suspected Diablo 3 announcement to my friends on D2, just as I wouldn't shut up about the announcement afterwards. After all of this waiting and all of the information I have been presented with about the new game I've got to say that I am seriously depressed.

    Diablo 2 had a very interesting inventory system which allowed you to carry at least 6 large weapons with you at all times! You had the pleasure of having a tetris mini-game implemented into the game for added and ensured entertainment. Who cares if when you were out killing, you would have to run to town every 10 minutes and have to move items off to mules in the middle of questing? You got the tetris game! Adding this nice, easy, un-confirmed new inventory system is just not good enough. Even though the full details haven't been released about how exactly it will work, I don't like it. I know you are trying to make it "easier" or "more convenient" for the players by creating some sort of hybrid between wow's system and D2's system, but please just stop and keep up the aggrivating tetris game.

    In Diablo 2, when you were in a group of 8 people to kill "big bad baal" (nice cain rap quote huh?), you got an extra rush of adrenalyn right when he was at a sliver of life, because you had an 87.5% chance of doing the whole run for nothing! Everyone would stop attacking and just rapidly click where the loot was going to drop, and hope you got it! So what if the one out of fifty runs you did with the group, was the one where a coa and nightwings dropped and the ondal's weilding amazon with pickit got both items, who doesn't enjoy a rush?? I think even the idea to make item drops fair for everyone is just absurd, and I caution Blizzard not to go through with this change, it is going to spell out doom for the future of this game. Just keep up the strain and pain game please, I haven't had enough of it after 8 years.

    Diablo 2 was a very unique game for many reasons, one of the reasons is that no matter how crappy your gear or skill set-up was, you would be able to quest easily and suffeciently due to your never-ending life thanks to potions. I'm appauled that Blizzard would even think about making players actually think about going into the "dangerous" areas, much less making them feel as though they are in actual danger. I mean where is the convenience in making a challenging game? I suggest you keep the game easy as long as you have a suffecient amount of very easily attainable, worthless gold. Which brings me to my next point...

    Diablo 2 was so much fun, because in other games like Wow, you have to pay for everything, using the auction house, buying skills and respecs, food and drinks, flight paths, EVERYTHING; and to top it off, you actually have to do a little thinking to get gold in that game. Diablo 2 was exceptionally fun in this aspect: you always felt rich. Getting gold was like collecting poop after laxatives time, it was so easy! The best part is, all you had to worry about buying with it was potions and repairs, or if you wanted to feel like wasting millions of millions of gold on gambling, you could! Giving gold meaning and value will making the game more mind-hectic and confusing, I mean what is this WoW? I hope you keep it like D2.

    Diablo 2 was so much fun to get started in, because as soon as you started you were actually ignorant enough to think that you needed points into all 4 of your stats. It was so much fun putting just enough str to wear all your gear (if you accidentally put 1 extra into it, you better remake!), none into energy unless your an es sorc, non into Dex unless your going block, and the rest into vita! I mean while I was making my pvp nado druid, trapsin and bone necro, I loved clicking my str button until my enigma turned blue, because right after that I got the satisfaction of holding down shift and that's right, left clicking vita.... on all 3 of them! The idea being thrown around about "auto assigning stats" is just stupid if you ask me. I mean where is the customization? Sure you can socket and unsocket skills with runes, but where is the opportunity for cookie-cutter stat builds? Please just keep the stat system the same. What is this, WoW??

    You know I'm not one of those annoying people who cries that Diablo is turning into WoW 2, but the graphics are just unbelievably horrible. All of those beautiful, lush scenes with fountains whenever you just got out of a dungeon? Are you kidding me? Every single area is supposed to be completely covered in gloom, just like Diablo 1. I mean Diablo 2 already messed up this area by adding green fields and colorful deserts, don't they know that every area of the Diablo universe is supposed to look exactly like that first abandoned, corrupted town along with all of the other *UNDERGROUND* areas from the first game? I'm not going to even mention using 3D (WoW-tastic!) I mean who cares if you are outside and it is 3 in the afternoon, it is SUPPOSED to be dark. Out of all of the games with colors in it, wait that is like every game made huh? Anyways, this isn't WoW... there isn't supposed to be color.

    So basically, just don't even think of anything new, just re-release D2 please, because obviously any intentions to improve gameplay, quality and entertainment will just be regarded as making a sequal to WoW. Also, if you have been reading this and saying to yourself "right on man!" then you are really stupid, and your the reason I wrote this. I'm tired of everyone shooting down every idea that the D3 developers have had, claiming that it is making the game like WoW. WoW took so many ideas from Diablo, but of course that doesn't make WoW Diablo does it? All of these people complaning about the new improvements, saying they are like WoW because their Clan on D2 probly got killed because all of their members went and played WoW instead of staying on a near-decade old game. I'm not trying to be a troll, I'm just being very sarcastic in an effort to get the message through to people that WoW took elements from Diablo to make it a very good game, and Diablo will take elements from WoW in order to make it also, a very good game.

    P.S. we'd all buy it anyways, even if they added a monthly sub and had arthas as the new boss instead of Diablo.


    Last edited: Nov 12, 2008
  2. Maelstrom

    Maelstrom New Member

    Dec 9, 2007
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    Couldn't possibly agree more with that guy..

    I think Blizz really shouldn't annouce their games when they're so undeveloped, because people just keep complaining about every single new feature they attempt to add, when they never actually played that feature in the first place.
    Geez.. after all, Blizz has NEVER dissapointed us, otherwise we (and certainly, I) would not be here talking about D3 and SC2 and whatnot.
    People should focus on making constructive criticism and not sheer bashing.

    Btw, there should be a secret WoW level where you get murlocks instead of cows *-*

    P.S: Yay, Im back D:
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2008
  3. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    i agree with all that guy says, except for the loot system
  4. KuraiKozo

    KuraiKozo New Member

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Uranus lol =D
    i like it. the only thing i hate atm are the pretty colors in d3, i want it to be more gloom. and i want choosing your own stats back, though with his sarcastic views on the rest, i quite agreed. =(
  5. Lombar

    Lombar New Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    I think this guy is a complete ***hole.
    Another tipical idiot woh doesnt understand games tend to evolve, and change.
    I kinda agree with him with the colours and the inventory, yeah, but everything else he mentiones is complete bull****

    Bassicaly he's asking for an easy game where you dont have to think at all, be rich all the time and have inifinite life.
    fun game..
  6. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    He even said it was sarcasm, go look it up

    I still want my tetris back ;(
  7. Lombar

    Lombar New Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    I still like the tetris and gloomines to come back tho :p
  8. Simbob

    Simbob New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    My thoughts...
    - Tetris-style = good
    - We do however need better block shapes... A scythe will take up a different space to a Mace... Trust me, they both don't fit in the boot of yer car... Mace = Rectangle and Scythe = Annoying L shaped block..
    - I dunno, but maybe some rotation would help?

    - Crazy loot clicking frenzy: However annoying it is, its still mousekilltastic

    - The giver off life...
    - Anyone with potions is tough... I like them..

    - Maybe this should be the currency of the Diablo universe... Runes shouldn't have to take its place...
    - Trading needs fixing... Auctions is a good idea... Makes monies useful

    - I agree in the fact that clicking is good... Auto assigned stats is one of the things I hate about wow...
    - But they need to be more useful so that not all has to go in vit...

    - They are beautiful...
    - WTF is your problem...
    - I will splode your head!

    - Is a "Diablo is gunna be WoW 2" kinda person
    - GTFO!
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2008
  9. Hodl pu

    Hodl pu New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    -Agree on Tetris
    -Somewhat disagree on potions (I liked how they were scarce in D1 and expensive in town early game, not infinite) and with the addition of health bubbles, It's cool with me.
    - Looting, I like how it is in D3
    - I like a player based currency
    - I dislike auto-assigned stats.
    - Graphics are ok I guess. They did darken it a little and the light radius seems more obvious. If you watch God of War videos, you can see a close similarity (even blizzard admitted they were inspired by GoW). Personally, I wish they found some other inspiration but, I guess its ok, the graphics are nice in detail but the atmosphere just does not make me feel imperiled as I hoped it would (based on videos of course).
    - Nq-bobo (what?) Anyway, bad sarcasm. I hope it wasn't meant to be funny. (not you simbob, but the ranter)

    I'm still buying though
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2008
  10. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    To, especially, the following forum goers...

    You've fallen right into his trap and proved exactly what he set out to prove. May I kinda direct your attention to the following paragraph... And, yes, read the whole thing...

    He's also proven that very few people actually read what's been written and take a very superficial viewpoint of each thread and post, which is most likely the cause of such trolls and flamers.

    You've also fallen into his trap. He didn't do this to be funny or to raise awareness of any of the points you just responded to. Again...

    To a lot of the others, this wasn't a thread to raise awareness or even to talk about those issues. It was to both try and get the message across to all the extremist Diablo2 fans though blatant sarcasm and to show that people are taking a very superficial attitude towards development in Diablo3, just hearing the changes, and complaining without understanding, or even knowing, why they've taken place.

    And thanks to the people who clearly did read it, or at least read enough of it to understand what was being said, like Meee.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2008
  11. Hodl pu

    Hodl pu New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    I was referring to him being funny as in "OH, he was joking to say a bigger point!" Because, I'm still angry D3 lovers and D3 haters are still killing each other enough to make threads about it in D3 forums. But anyway, I do wish a small portion of the things he did bring up, even though they were a plan.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2008
  12. Jissé

    Jissé New Member

    May 27, 2008
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    I agree with the inventory and auto-stats and gloomy parts, and this is not because you love WoW and that the developers took some things from Diablo to make WoW that Diablo 3 has to be like WoW, WoW is a cartoon looking MMO while Diablo, well, the original concept, was about a dark gothic atmosphere action RPG. I don't want wide sunny plains in Diablo, I want dark underground corridors and gloomy swamps and disturbing forests and castles and mad people and monsters etc, where you pay attention to anything noise around, that may hop on you and kill you, a challenging, hack n' slash game.

    And that is not because Diablo 3 is the official evolution of Diablo 2 that it will necessarily be good. I am still a D2 addict somehow, but will probably not buy D3 given the way it currently looks, because it is not really Diablo anymore, just turning to be some WoW mod for the WoW junkies.

    I do not agree much with the looting in baalruns though: if you cannot stand that other people may take "your" items, well, play your own games and that's it. Baalruns are usually to boost your character building, not to get Ondal or I don't know what. The infinite life is a joke though, as some monsters can kill you in very few attacks, while your life doesn't usually recover instantly.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2008
  13. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    People here seriously need to listen to some of the interviews and actually understand what Diablo3 is about, and no, it's not just Diablo2 in 3D, so new systems and implementations have to be introduced in order to account for the newer, faster-paced and longer-lasting gameplay.

    Might make a thread on all the controversies once my cap resets, and summarise attitudes towards each, pros and cons, etc, etc. Until then... Don't steal my idea! >=\

    But seriously, don't.
  14. Jissé

    Jissé New Member

    May 27, 2008
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    I will not bother blabbering endlessly about a game that does even not exist, and is far to be released (correct me if I am wrong).

    I just hope it will be possible some way to test the game first before to buy it, through a free playable demo for instance, or by visiting a friend who purchased it, and then, if I buy the game and if Iike it, then yes discussing the game would make more sense to me and I would be glad to do it.

    I just wait from Blizzard to add that auto-building feature to the abilities trees as well, in addition of the stats, so I will loudly laugh at the remaining jerks who would still wait for that "game", before to definitely ignore that developer.
  15. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    ahem, if you dont want to bother blabbering endlessly about a game that does even not exist, and is far to be released, then wy did you even join a forum(Which is all about that)?

    no offense meant
  16. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    I only agree on the loot and stats sections.

    Diablo 3 took up WoW's one item one slot backpacks, right?
    That's fine for a game like WoW since in that game you just want MOAR in the sense of loot.

    And I didn't know they were making stats automatic for each class now. That's just...
    Half the fun playing a character was customizing him. Makes me think of cutting cookies except with minor variation.
    Like this Barbarian has the same stats and gear, except for a maul, but has gone more of a path in his skills for a two handed weapon. He's a gingerbread Christmas tree cookie.
    This Barbarian also has the same stats and gear, except for two swords (dual-wield), but has gone more of a path in his skills for dual wielding, or one handed attacks. He's a chocolate chip Christmas tree cookie.

    Lord help you if any of you understand my reasoning.
  17. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    well, i hope your lord heard your rant, cause i did and understood it
  18. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Just quickly, thinking of auto-Stats as reducing customisability is a very superficial viewpoint. More options doesn't always mean more customisability because it can easily lead to being exploited, which is exactly what the old system did. If you were a Sorc, you got the Strength you needed to hold the best armour, and dumped the rest in Energy. If you were an Amazon, you got the Strength you needed to hold the best armour, and dumped the rest in Dexterity. If you were a Barb, you got the Strength you needed to hold the best armour, and dumped the rest in Strength. That's how it worked in the vast majority of cases, so how are manually assigned Stats good for customisation?

    With the new system, the Stats are still there, only they're acquired differently. The first difference is that each level Stats are assigned automatically. This helps steer your character in the right general direction, makes it easier to balance the classes, and makes sure you don't mess up your character. And don't say things like a melee Wizard won't be possible due to the direction of the auto-Stats, because firstly, the Wizard has her own melee skill tree, and secondly, they're not going to automatically assign you useless points. The second difference is that the way that the player chooses his or her own Stats is through items. Not only does this customise your character just the way you want to, but it also customises your character visually. On top of that, there're no Stat requirements. Stat requirements in Diablo2 forced people to use Stats that they would never otherwise use. That's not the case for Diablo3, as items will now have level requirements instead, which again helps them balance the characters by having them acquire particular items at certain levels, and not at potential levels. Also, it means there're no Catch 22's. Anyway, this has gotten off topic. The point is that you'll still be able to customise your character's Stats, and thinking that auto-Stats automatically means that everyone will have the same build is an extremely superficial and shallow viewpoint.
  19. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?

    I really take that post back, forgetting about all my high level characters having massive Strength for gear, then whatever else they needed.

    Diablo 2 was cookie cutter, and I might want to read a bit more about just D3 in general before making assumptions. Dumb move on my part for the stat section. Good job Willy, good job.

    And here I thought I'd have an opinion sparing me from Itza's wrath. Oh well.

    And side note: Looking back, I wouldn't mind Diablo 3 having a one item one slot loot system, it would just be some nice nostalgia having to Tetris your stuff together, but seeing as you grab and go, no sorting things out...

    More demon smashing time, less breaks, more progession.

    ...Right? Right-ish?
  20. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Yes. I'd comment further on the rest only I have absolutely no clue whether you're being completely sarcastic or not... :(