Diablo MMO

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by TheWorker, May 18, 2008.

Diablo MMO

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by TheWorker, May 18, 2008.

  1. TheWorker

    TheWorker Guest

    Blizzcon and WWI coming up. We know for sure that there is going to be Diablo 3 announced but some people keep on thinking its going to be MMO which it clearly wont be and I dont understand why they think its going to be, but it gave me an idea. With a new MMO Blizzard could try and make it even better than WoW. They are skilled and have experience. Well lets get to the point: If there would be Diablo MMO, what would you like to see in there? What features would you change from previous WoW?

    Personally I would love to see more skill based PvP and more emphasis on PvP overall such as Warhammer. Id love to see the world more dynamic. If Blizzard makes Diablo MMO more of a PvP based game then they can concentrate on PvE in WoW which is what WoWs good at.
  2. Hodl pu

    Hodl pu New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    I HOPE it's not a MMO. But if it already is... then.

    I would like to see nothing cartoony. Diablo is dark and gothic, so cartoon demons would kill the creepy feeling of the game. I would like to keep the game with a serious vibe. The Musical score has to be creepy as well and the colors should match the game vibe, so nothing bright and luminous. The game should be fast paced, unlike WoW. In Diablo, you run a lot with a group, clear rooms within a few seconds/minutes, but there is still plenty of action and strategies you'll need.
  3. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    Well, generally faster and with the amazing music Diablo 2 offered, as Hodl pu said.
    I also think that if you press the mouse key ONCE, you execute ONE attack. It doesn't really feel like you are the one fighting in WoW, but rather that you're managing some other dude by pressing numerical buttons every now and then. Diablo is a game about clicking your opponents to death, and that's how a Diablo MMO should be.
  4. KuraiKozo

    KuraiKozo New Member

    Nov 1, 2007
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    I like diablo being a thing you can do by yourself. But, i also like the mutli player element. the thing that made it amazing was it's unique and ever changing dubngeons swarming with badies that would rift through walls, ram suddenly down at you frmn a corner, or spawn in enemies when you killed them. The basis of Diablo, the first and the second, was it's ever shifting dungeons. Yes, they were similar, but the fact they were always random with their unque flare every time is what made it a truly grisly surprise. Sometimes, like in the first diablo, there would be ghouls, or familiars, and it was never certain when where, or how many would show up. Sure, WOW and MORPGs can do that, but as for intuituve level design and ever shifting realms, forget it.

    Diablo is a great game that pulls away from the norm, even if other games have treid the similar concept. I like Diablo being unique and ever changing, always a surprise. It pulls me back into playing it over and over again. I liked the first diablo game better, to be truthful. There was somethign generally spooky about trudging through catacombs and trekking through the abandoned church. For fighting King Leoric and his undead legions to slaying down Diablo himself in the pits of hell, none of it would have been as fun if there was a defined level. When you make levels the same it takes a level of enjoyment out of it.

    There woudl be no way to do this with an MMO. because if you had it different each time, it would end up bugging the system when two different people are playing in the same area but the terrain is completely shifted.

    But, if Diablo3 became an MMO (or God forbid an MMORPG), i would like the see the enclosed almost clastrophobic feel as the early dungeons in Diablo. As much fun as the openess was in diablo2, i feel it took some of the diablo feel out of the game. Even though there were still plenty of caves and pits and even the dungeons themselves had that feel. But the desert and forest took some of the feel out of it and it made me a bit sad not to be generally on edge while playing it. Being older i don't get the same fear playin, just the usual vigor of playing a much loved game that also happened to be the first comp one i ever played. I'd also, like suggested, expect scary and creepy music. and it's no doubt getting an M ratign so we shoudl throw out some dead bodies and pools of blood to add to the horror the original diablo game had.

    overall i do not want to see it as a MMO, regardless of what is done to make it good.
  5. myrcutio

    myrcutio New Member

    Jan 9, 2008
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    Alot more dynamic elements in the world, definately. I'm still waiting for an MMO that truly has a living world, where the NPC's don't just react dumbly to the characters and give out repetitive quests.

    I figure it will either be Will Wright or Blizzard that will come up with a setting where the player really can effect the world, not just follow a pre-scripted template. It makes me sad to see cookie-cutter characters in WoW, simply because it's the most powerful build at the time. Think Ultima Online with autonomous swarm agent mechanics.
  6. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    I think a Diablo MMO would be too similar to WoW, actually. Some WoW classes, like the Paladin, were already heavily influenced by the Diablo version.
  7. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    Diablo 3 definitely will not be an MMORPG. Why? Look at their current list of projects. Guess what one of those are? Wrath of the Lich King. That by itself is going to be played for a year at the least, and seeing as there's 10 million or so playing WoW, probably more. Blizzard's not going to make another MMORPG when WoW's their cash cow. That's just bad business. They're not gonna split their fan base in half, in possibly diminish their income that way. IF it comes out at all, it's probably going to be an RPG. In that case, Blizzard's going to have to pull of something really special in order for it to be considered among the other new RPGs like Warhammer and Fallout 3.
  8. KuraiKozo

    KuraiKozo New Member

    Nov 1, 2007
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    ohh, I neverthought of that, Wick. I just hope it's still a creepy dungeon crawler and it needs scary music!! like the first game.
  9. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    @WIck. We all know that it won't be a MMORPG, mostly because of what you just said. But this thread is about discussing a Diablo MMORPG anyway (and ways of making it different and possibly better than WoW).
    Last edited: May 25, 2008
  10. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    As far as I'm concerned, "MMO" just means that a game has dedicated servers to support an always on multiplayer community. But anyway...

    For the next Diablo, whatever it may be, I want lots and lots of baddies. I'm talking about a sheer flood of baddies rushing at you to kick your ass. And I want on-the-spot dynamic elements like, carelessly attacking the wrong mob can kill you outright, such as Zeal VS Iron Maiden or melee VS multishot lightning enchanted for instance.

    I also want a fast game pace, unlike the crap WoW is. Manual attack is a must. But I wish they would allow any skill to be bound to and executed on any key, instead of limiting certain skills to be right-click only.

    I want larger areas, but I would still like to see Act bosses(or area bosses) that restrict access to later areas and must be beaten before you can proceed. I would also like to see Diablo retain the story driven format, again, not like the crap WoW is.

    One thing I've hated Blizzard for all these years(for both Wow and Diablo) is useless skills(or talents). Blizzard always include skills that are either completely useless, only exist as prerequisites, or only serve as a weaker version(lower level) of another skill that comes later. Skill synergy is great, but it is still no excuse for having useless skills in the game. Also, skills that are just plain not worth putting points into beyond the first few is just stupid. Some people might love "one point wonders," but no skill should be such that it is just automatically stupid to put more than one point in.

    I really really want to have hirelings, aka mercs, in the next Diablo. Allow the player to equip mercs with various gear too, perhaps even more pieces of gear this time. But I'd like to see more mercs as viable choices, instead of most people using the Act2 merc.

    That's about all I can think of for now. Oh yea, get rid of low quality items(cracked, damaged, etc.), what's the damn point with those?
  11. KuraiKozo

    KuraiKozo New Member

    Nov 1, 2007
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    agreed, Remy.

    Whatever Diablo3 may be, i want some new elements as well. I think they took the general horror out of the game the second time and that's the thing i want. What happened to the dear old butcher that made me jump everytime i opened his door and he bellowed "Ahh, fresh meat"? or the adrenaline rush of hitting him and running so as not to get cleaved into a human-sized dinner? I know diablo is no horror game, but like all good games it should make your pulse race, which the second one really failed to do except in the hidden cow level which was brutally hard and has now scarred me for life.

    Also, as Remy said, the mercenaries. In diablo2 they were basically meatshileds, even though if you got the exxpansion you could equip them with stuff. They were steal weak, and reviving them was costly and very pointless after a certain degree. They would just run in like heroes and then end up carved up more than a thanksgiving turkey. It amde me wonder why i even bothered reviving his worhtless butt since he was only gonna run in and die again.

    I REALLY want the dungeons back. Likes Remy said too, bigger areas. But i want the old dungeons SO bad. no more giant open areas. sure, it was fun, but i at least one some dimly lit corridors with enemies that choose to swarm you like zerglings and leave you fighting for dear life. It angers me that they took some of the better elements out in D2 from D.

    Spells. I agree 100% with you, Remy. But i really miss the old way of learning spells: magical tomes. Sure, specialized skills are nice, but i think they shoudl add some really unique or powerful spells that you can only leanr by finding bookshelves or random enemies.

    Wow, this makes me want to play the first diablo again. the only probl;em with the first was it's slow waing speed. so I want the ability to run also in the third one!
  12. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Mercenaries that are actually usefull would be nice...
    As for dungeons x open areas - it would be nice if we could get a good mix of both, but definately more and better dungeons than in D2. I agree with Kurai's nostalgia on that one.

    I always have a hard time finding good equipment as it is, so I'd rather not add spells to that. I miss the old rooms with bookcases from D1, but random generators hate me too much. Also set tree skills help with character diversity, in first game you could beat diablo with apocalypse using a warrior (he'd have mana for 1-2 casts, but what are potions for? :D)
  13. KuraiKozo

    KuraiKozo New Member

    Nov 1, 2007
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    *nods* Agreed, Meee. I want new things, and new concepts, whatever they may be. I defiantely don't want it like WoW.

    and yeah, finding the right stuff was tough. My dad still plays diablo2, and you shoudl see the stuff he has! Yet, not all of us have no life so finding some cool armor quickly would be wicked awesome. but it also takes the fun if it's too easy =P
  14. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    I definitely feel you on the whole D1 dungeon thing Kurai. I would love it if they dedicated at least one entire Act/area to play like D1, where you just go down level after scary level. It could even be tied into the story where you had to revisit hell to kick D's ass again or something... Dunno, but I just want deep deep multi-leveled(and I don't mean 2 damn it) dungeons.

    They should definitely bring back the mood and attitude from the first game, it was badass.
  15. KuraiKozo

    KuraiKozo New Member

    Nov 1, 2007
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    basdassness can always be reintroduced! here here!
  16. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    I have this intuition that you suffered a severe upset in WoW that you cursed the game and tried to regret the fact that you once played the best MMO in the planet made until now... hmmm?? if not then godspeed, i dont see the reason for hating a game that was also made by the same company,

    definitely D3 should be a game that can outdone D2s success, so far i dont hate the idea of turning diablo into a multiplayer like WoW since blizzard is quite capable of doing what they want at their own will... but the facts speak for themselves as you've said, it seems that majority of the skills are quite puny and useless as you say but isnt every MMO like that... and technically a growing is a progress, so its just a norm for amateurs to be crappy for a while till you learn what you have to coz theres no such thing as perfect and thats what makes the games better than their predecessors....

    D2 Hirelings sure was kind of stagnant for most players to pick the act2 mercs, thats also one of the most annoying things that bothered me.. the fact that there isnt so much choice if you want to be able to have a useable bodyguard you have to choose that only... Im sure that D3 will be more than this,.

    Voilence has been a major factor for D1's greatness over D2 but the open world gave a new feel in exchange, perhaps there is a way to combine the two... oh and btw have you guys wondered in what hell of a way did Diablo get to be resurrected since D2 technically destroyed him 4ever.. unless he has Diablo jr lolz
  17. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    From what I gathered destroying that stone at the end of D2:LoD could do about anything to the world including reseting it, creating a timeloop etc. So it'll be pretty easy to make a story with diablo or all three brothers even.

    It would be really cool if the game started just like the first one - in Tristram, you go down the levels of Cathedral, catacombs and deeper and at some point there the story starts differing from D1 and it turns out the whole trip down was just the beginning.
    If Blizzard did something like that it could be really awesome
  18. KuraiKozo

    KuraiKozo New Member

    Nov 1, 2007
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    i liked the irony6 of the first diablo. your character ends up becoming the new diablo. it made me sad, and the whole first game kinda pointless, but still fun =D
  19. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    Well thanks for making use of the spoiler tag.
  20. KuraiKozo

    KuraiKozo New Member

    Nov 1, 2007
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    well if you haven't played it by now you never will <.<