Desert Strike Night: A tribute to Starcraft 2

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by QueenGambit, Jan 26, 2010.

Desert Strike Night: A tribute to Starcraft 2

  1. QueenGambit

    QueenGambit New Member

    Jan 26, 2010
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    Desert Strike Night is a team battle Broodwar map that has been SC2-ized. Each team consist of one computer and three human players. The objective of the game is to destroy the other opponents' Night Fortress. Players takes turns spawning units for their Computer allie to battle in the battlefield.

    General Gameplay: Players are continually given a steady income of minerals to build buildings. The construction of building units is disabled. The buildings itself will train units which will be given to their computer allie. The computer will then use those units to attack the enemy fortress. Each building is unique; they all produce different units. The battle field is symmetrical; each side consist of a fortress and a long stretch of land inbetween. Players do not participate in traditional meleeing rather, they are responsible for providing computer with soldiers to fight in the battlefield. Each player is situated in the sideline of the battlefield out of harms way. Players will have to spend their minerals wisely.

    Waves of armies: The game is on a looped countdown. When the timer reaches zero, one player from each team will spawn units for their computer allie. Everyone will be able to spawn units every three turns.

    Gassing Strategy: Not only can players build buildings that produce units, they can also build buildings that increase their mineral income. Within every human players' build space lies six geysers. Building on these geyers will generate more minerals for that player. Easier said than done. Building on these geyers are actually quite expensive. Also, each geyser building a player builds, their income will temporarily freeze. Players will not get an advantage of minerals unless the battle has been waging on for awhile.

    Earthquake!: Each player has their own private island to build on. When timer reaches zero, the MAP itself will do a check at what buildings you build in the island and will automatically spawn units. The islands are already inhabited with neutral buildings that just take up space. In order to eliminate the abandoned buildings, players must
    build on geysers. Building on Geysers promotes lava activity in their base causing earthquakes that desroys the abandon buildings. In that effect, players will be able to have more room to build on.

    Resource Silo: Each team has a resource silo building located between the center and their own fortress. The purpose of this building is to prevent enemy soldiers from attacking the fortress head on. Once the building is destroyed, the team that destroyed it gets a bonus mineral prize. In effect, the team that loses their silo gets a 30 second penalty income freeze.

    The Silo Torrasque!: When a silo is destroyed, the angry demon inside is unleashed killing everyone that disturbed its slumber. After 30 seconds, the Torrasque explodes, killing any enemy in the blast radius. The destruction of a Resource silo building can help give a team boost early on in game however, the torrasque that gets unleash can easily kill hundreds of units in one round.

    Night Defense: This defense building guards the Fortress and kills any enemy that gets nearby. It consists of a Warpgate with active invincible cannons. The only way to get to the Fortress is to destroy the high armored warpgate defense structure. Killing it powers down the cannons leaving your enemy fortress vulnerable for attack.

    Boom!: Each player is given one destructive spell that when activated, it will kill all enemy forces near the Fortress. This spell (Boom ammo) is used as a last resort when the enemy has the Fortress surrounded.

    The Might Of God: Each Race has 1 expensive special building that will profoundly effect the battlefield. Purchasing a Might of God will temporarily give your team an advantage in the battlefield. Players may rebuild these buildings anytime but they must pay a hefty price.

    Machines will rule the world: Desert Strike Night utilizes custom advanced Artifical Intelligence to display very agressive playing from the computer player. For example, I have over 100 triggers that control the Ai of Zerg Lurkers (yes 100).

    The Art of War (strategy): There are key ideas that a player must keep in mind when playing this map. 1. Players can only see their team mate and the battlefield; vision on enemy players is not permitted. You must carefully decide what unit to build. You will only know what your enemy has build by observing the battlefield.
    2. Try to counter your enemy rather than massing one type of unit. If a player is producing zerg zergling, build firebats. It is common sense.
    3.Build on Geysers every few minutes; it is essential to provoke an earthquake and have more island room to build more buildings.
    4. Use a boom spell right before timer reaches zero. Right when timer reaches zero, you will spawn units that will attempt to push the enemy back. Using a boom will prevent your spawn from encountering the enemy too early.
    5. Communicate with your fellow team mates. It is unwise to isolate oneself. This could lead to using more than one Boom spell at the same time.
    6. Enjoy the Starcraft 2 themed game! Some of the units are renamed by their Starcraft 2 counterparts. Who doesn't want to see a Thor battling against a Colossus?

    Download Map here!!!
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2010

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    So you are the famous QueenGambit that created those famous Desert Strike maps in UMS maps ? Cool !
    I have played to this game but I played this game like a noob. I have never understood the rules. Thank you for your explanations now ! :)

    Oh! And welcome to the forum !
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2010
  3. Supahboih

    Supahboih New Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    seems pretty nice, shame I've got noone to play with tough <<
  4. QueenGambit

    QueenGambit New Member

    Jan 26, 2010
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    im playing in USWest right now =D
  5. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    United States
    No kidding? I've played a few Desert Strike maps, but I just assumed it was one of those games that's gotten to the point where everyone and their grandma has made their own version.

    Nice guide, and good to have you aboard QG.
  6. cautionmike_190

    cautionmike_190 New Member

    Mar 23, 2009
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    for real??? now that`s sweet
  7. QueenGambit

    QueenGambit New Member

    Jan 26, 2010
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    yah, i didn't "lock" up my maps and so everyone modded it their own way. Each mod failed one after another. Desert Strike Night is my revisioned of my other FINAL map. I redid the entire map and made the system lag free. It took me 6 months to test/edit this map and now it is finally done.

    Many players have experienced bad lurker AI however, that is just a problem in the past. I've made over 100 triggers regulating lurkers alone.

    Specials are now balanced. A player cannot exploit Lifting Terran buildings and nuking the Fortress. Zerg special now infests enemy AIR units.

    So come download the map and msg me in USWest server. It is really fun