Desert Strike Enhanced

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by Subdue, Jan 27, 2010.

Desert Strike Enhanced

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by Subdue, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Subdue

    Subdue Guest

    Desert Strike Enhanced

    Mission Objective:
    Destroy your opponent's Temple.

    - Each player begins with 800 Minerals and 1 Boom.
    - One member of each team will create units on the field every 50 seconds.
    - Each building will cause a different unit to spawn. Check the building names.

    What's New:
    - Player controlled Heroes and Income Freeze.
    - Faster, more efficient triggers for unit creation and racial spells.
    - Money-transferring between teammates.
    - Improved unit Artificial Intelligence.
    - Revised Income Structure, Upkeep System, and Pricing Scheme.

    - Hover over an item with your Info Plane if you don't know what it does. Chances are, you'll get a helpful hint!
    - Destroying the Resource Silo results in a 1000 Mineral Bonus for your team and a 30 Second Income Penalty for your opponents.
    - Money Transferring lets you help a teammate, but you lose 100 Minerals.
    - Healing your heroes only costs 750 Minerals each.
    - Infestation and Mind Control do not affect Player controlled units, but Nukes and Booms do.

    Created By: Subdue
    Inspired By: Queen-Gambit's Desert Strike Variation
    Original Concept By: NudeRaider

    You can download the map on Nibbits Here.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2010
  2. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    Anybody wanna set up a time to host this? I really wanna play it.
  3. Subdue

    Subdue Guest

    I'm on USEast right now, in channel "Clan SPWN". Feel free to message me for a game. By in game account is Subdue.
  4. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    Sorry, I should have been more specific. I don't really have time during the weekdays, and I definitely didn't mean today. Sometime this weekend?
  5. Subdue

    Subdue Guest

    I made a pretty big update to this map, lengthening the countdown by 10 seconds, and implementing an upkeep system to force faster play. You can get the updated map Here.

    Sure, just message me on USEast.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2010