Okay guys, so usually I ignore the e-mails I get from Dell because they're okay deals, but this one actually grabbed my attention so I'm gonna pass it along to you! $300 off select Inspiron 530 desktop. Only $699 after savings! For $989 total you can get a 22" inch HD monitor and a Geforce 8600S graphics card. I am strongly considering buying this. Make sure to click the link if you buy it!
It's a great deal... I don't need it at all but I don't want to pass up this opportunity... but I don't want to waste $1000 either.
LOLZ you are all poor compaired to how I used to be but now I am poorer than you probably. Want to know why? oh its because I bought this computer take a look at it. I swear its one of THE BEST desktop computers out there to the public. http://alienware.com/product_pages/desktop_all_default.aspx# I bought the one on the far right the one that costs $5,149
DAMN STRAIT look at it! and read what it does. IS 4 TERABYTES OF MEMORY NOT WORTH 5 GRAND *plus a computer that kicks so much ass itmakes Dell look like puppies who pissed on your carpet and any other computer a little buggy to my Shellby gt500* also as a side note; IT WAS FORGED BY THE GAMING GODS!!!
Not because I have this machine but just because I want to make a point: http://configure.us.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?c=us&cs=19&l=en&oc=DXCWZH8&s=dhs So you payed 500$ more for a single pair of Radeon 3870 HDs (Instead of dual 8800 Ultras) for 2 GBs of Ram (Instead of 4 even if it is a little slower) and a machine that doesn't come with a monitor. Makes perfect sense doesn't it?
I can't foresee the necessity of a 4TB HD in the recent future. You pretty much wasted all that money.
Luckily I have all of those thing and plus yes I do have a moniter already its 42" and LCD 1200p so F^ck off you got nothing on this comp. I added more Ram, 8 more gigs of ram in fact giving me 10 gigs of ram. Plus my firewall and several other programs I have give me virus imunity and plus I have Alien Respawn that saves all my data automaticly before any virus can get to it. Plus I have the Razer Lachesis mouse, the Destructor mat, the Tarantula keyboard, the Pirahana headset, surround sound by Klipsch; 8 speakers and a subwopher. An assload of other goodies than enhance my gaming such as: the Ageia PhysX PCI-Express Processing Unit, Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer High Definition 7.1 Audio, Windos Vista Ultimate and the Direct X 10, the best CPU right now, Dual 1GB ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 – Quad GPU Technology, Power supply (1000 volts), Killer K1 Gaming Network Interface Card (giving me better online play). I actually think thats it. And surprisingly there is still more room left and I haven't any ideas what to put in it. Any ideas? EDIT: and yes I actually download a lot of stuff and when I say a lot I really mean it. Also I will be downloading a lot more soon because they are coming out with a new and inproved internet due to the current one is in a traffic jam and if you dont see why look at dile up and you will get an idea. The new one is gona be like 1000's of times faster than the current one and we will be able to download information the size of the Lord of the Rings Movies in a few seconds.
How obtuse of you. 10GM of memory is just as useless as 4TB of storage. unless you are using your PC as a server you won't use half of it before parts of your computer become obsolete
Good for you and how much did that cost 10,000$, 15,000$? My point wasn't about who has a better machine but how much money that was thrown away on something that is only going to be average in 3 years (maybe 4 if your lucky). If everyone had an umlimited amount of money to spend then my point is rather moot, but thankfully in this world there is a thing called scarcity which encourages competition and more importantly efficiency. I think thats a word you should look up efficiency, it might help you in the long run. You could buy 3 machines each of which could do pretty much anythig your machine can currently do, for the same price. 4 TBs and 10 GBs is useless unless you plan to some extremely hardcore video editing or plan to be a server host for a website. Also, I don't know what you have heard but your ISP isn't currently doing so hot, so I doubt they will be installing fiber optics to personal homes anytime soon, which is what would be nesseccary for your newer, faster internet.
You do know that by the time something comes out that actually will make full use of your rig, the cost of your rig would have fallen by at least $1000 and there would be much better components available. I would've saved up for a car. Besides, what do you need 10GB of RAM for? That's just excessive overspending way outside the limits of sanity.