
Discussion in 'Protoss' started by coreyb, Sep 9, 2007.


Discussion in 'Protoss' started by coreyb, Sep 9, 2007.

  1. coreyb

    coreyb Guest

    Hey I don't have any SC yet but I was just curious and is there any protoss defence's and my friend won't tell me because he know's I love protoss!

    Thank's in advance

    Protoss rule!!!
  2. Protosscommander

    Protosscommander New Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    What do you mean defences, well if you mean building defences, those are the Protoss Photon cannons, but now in SC2 they are Phase Cannons :)
    peace :)
  3. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    and ive seen some info that the dark obelisk will be a defending building


    who the %^#@ removed the glow button
  4. coreyb

    coreyb Guest

    Is that all?

    Like I mean I've seen them and there kinda cool like a turret kinda things...but I suppose it's pritty good and I hope that each side in the second one has an actrull building that is a defence.

    Protoss rule!!!

    And for the dark oblisk is there a pic?
  5. Protosscommander

    Protosscommander New Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Photon cannons only in protoss SC1 because it can attack both air units enemy and Ground Units enemy :)
    well missile turet is for terrans, and bunkers, and the Zerg are Sunken spore adn sunken colony ithink i forgot the names. lol :)
  6. coreyb

    coreyb Guest

    And what protoss get one defence structure?

    Protoss rule!!!
  7. Protosscommander

    Protosscommander New Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Ya! only one defence structure in SC1 but in SC2 im not sure not confirmed yet lol :)
  8. coreyb

    coreyb Guest

    The poor protoss but I guess they have an extra unit/upgrade or something to make up for it and iff not then it is a wee bit stupid and You will survive but just a little gap still no biggie!
    Protoss rule!!!
  9. Protosscommander

    Protosscommander New Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Yes of course :)
  10. coreyb

    coreyb Guest

    Ahh I got something right woo hoo ! :D

    Sorry iff I overacted a bit just newbie on here ;)

    Protoss rule!!!
  11. Protosscommander

    Protosscommander New Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Well here is the difference of Photon Cannons in SC1 compared to Phase Cannons in SC2

    Starcraft and SCBroodwar Photon Cannon
    [img width=155 height=155]http://www.starcraft.co.kr/manual/bd_unit/images/protoss/photon.gif[/img]

    Starcraft II Phase Cannon
    [img width=150 height=135]http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/3476/phasecannoncy7.jpg[/img]

    PEACE :thumbup:
  12. coreyb

    coreyb Guest

    Edited out quotes. Please read the forum rules and refrain from quoting unnecessarily.

    Ah nice work and I can see the resembilence in between the two!
  13. MarineCorp

    MarineCorp New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    England, United Kingdom
    Yes you do see the resemblance between the 2

    The Photon Cannon: You build them and they simply attack both ground and air units
    The Phase Cannon: This one seems to be an even more advanced Photon Cannon, this one can turn into a mode called 'Phase' mode and move anywhere around the area of the Pylon Power, they are very cool indeed.

    If you want to know more about the stupid Protoss you can always ask
    Mohohohoho >:D

    And welcome to the forum ^_^
  14. Ace_Bear

    Ace_Bear New Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    I have been a dedicated toss user since Starcraft came out. And my best defenses were usually an offensive move. See Toss is all about building 4-5 units that equal 7-8 Terran units or 9-10 Zerg units and then harassing/running them over through tactics and brute power. For defense though if you really want to mount one;

    Main base: 4 Cannons in the front, 3 in your resourcing area, 2 spread out around the perimeter
    3 Dragoons to chase down anything that comes inside the base.
    1-2 Scouts just for the Guardians/Siege Tank harasser, also for Dropship/Shuttle/Overload kills near your base

    Secondary base: 5 Cannons spread out among the base, at least 2 of them should be in your resourcing area.

    Explanation: Defensive Toss is a used tactic. Build up defenses then late game wipe them out with mass Carriers. However to perform this tactic you are going to need some massive amounts of minerals which means protecting your resources and bases at all costs. Dropping in 3 Lurkers into your probes is a standard tactic by now which means Cannons are needed. Dragoons wipe out any thing that ran into those "Sweet zones" where you might not have that many cannons. Also they are great support, basically a mobile cannon. Use scouts to hunt down Guardians and siege tanks. Might need a up to 5 scouts and maybe a few Corsairs if the opponents shows he is going towards one type of attack of the other.

    How to setup cannons: DO NOT PLACE CANNONS AT THE EDGE OF YOUR BASE. That is just asking for something that out ranges them to take them out. And because they are at the edge it is harder for units to get there to protect the cannon before it dies. Spread them out so that all could allow a siege tank through if needed AND have more then one pylon powering each cannon. Seems complicated but for 5 cannons you will usually have 2 pylons over lapping to hit all 5. Use scouts/dragoons/corsairs to hunt those pesky siege tanks. Making the base smaller means less room for your units to cover to defend.

    How to play defensive: Obviously just setup the cannons build some ground units with some of the cheaper air units as backup then tech up to fully upgraded Carriers. If you want to slow down the enemy do some basic raiding on their secondary bases(usually towards late game only the secondary bases have any minerals). Early game build a few cannons near the opening(don't worry about resource harassing in the early game, they don't have the tech for it) with zealots around them to soak up damage. See, the zealots soak the damage up while the cannons finish the enemy off. Might also want to think about a shield battery so your units will last longer. Middle game start putting your cannons in the resource area and putting some around the base. Dragoon defense time also. Move what ground units you have to your secondary base to set it up. Once you have the cannons up I wouldn't leave too many units behind. Late game, max out your unit capacity with Carriers, what units you have left(other then probes) I would group together and do some attacks on the enemy's secondary bases. Then max out your capacity again. Use 3 Starports if needed. Final step: kill everything.

    Edit: Sorry for the ramble, just wanted to help.
  15. Protosscommander

    Protosscommander New Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Grggg... Protoss are not Stupid LOL, uhmm, Zerg are Pathetic Creatures, mwahahaha ;D >:D >:D >:D :bigcry:

    peace :)
  16. Darth_Bane

    Darth_Bane Moderator

    Sep 1, 2007
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    Seattle, Washington USA
    I serously think we should have like a forums war that would be cool. I would be Protoss all the way. Zerg would have least amount of people because whoever likes them is either to stupid to find out how to join them or cant find their keyboards.
  17. coreyb

    coreyb Guest

    Yeah I agree zerg do suck for somewhat.
  18. pajamasalad

    pajamasalad New Member

    Aug 12, 2007
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    Your petty insults don't affect the zerg. We have evolved beyond useless emotions.
  19. coreyb

    coreyb Guest

    Riiiiight? , I'll take that as a compliment and You shouldn't really speak like that because it's our opinion's and iff You want to try to defend it well we understand iff it's in the zerg section but it's NOT because this is the almighty and legendary protoss section so drag your brown but outa here :)
    (don't take it as an insult and down power me for it)

    I was banned for something I didn't do.
  20. Protosscommander

    Protosscommander New Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    You are banned lol, sadly :( why ???