I was watching exosceleton videos on Youtube and I got an idea that when the Terran powersuits are damaged they could start working in a wrong way. So when a marine is shot the powersuit could turn the marines arm or neck in an unnatural way and kill the marine. This could maybe be done because there already is different death animations. What do you think? Also feel free to tell your own ideas for death animations.
I want to see dragoons or the equivilent squirt out goo when they die, and in a very graphically and audibly pleasing way, much like anything that bleeds in the first Diablo game (for some reason I found Diablo 2 death animations disappointing)
Needler, I think that sounds nice, but a bit random and unessecary. I like that the reapers powersuit flies up into the air when they die, and that tanks explode and some Metal stays on the ground, but more is not needed IMO. And yes - the dragoons goo was nice, but a stalker is no dragoon and a immortal is much more high - tech (and has no goo too).
Like I said in another thread I wanna see some BA zerg deaths. I know death animations are some of the last things to be polished up but i wanna see some dynamic blood showers!!! When i destroy an enemy army, i wanna feel like i really slaughtered them lolol.....
I want Protoss to do some cool stagger or fall before they get enveloped in blue smoke and sent off to where ever EDIT: Plus the game has physics...maybe they could do some simple physicked deaths
Yeah I agree, seeing dragoons or Immortals spray all that life support liquid all over the place when they die would be awesome.