Dead Space (Video Game) - Its spectacular, anyone who loved doom will love this game, its original and the story is epic! I would recommend this to anyone who can run it. Put on some decent headphones, play at night, and it'll scare the $hit out of you. It really is a gooood game. Its original, new, and there are over 30 different ways to die. Even better is the graphic detail put into this game, its amazingly real, and scary. Dead Space : DownFall (Movie) - The prequel to the game, its an awsome movie as well, and it fits perfect with the game, seeing the movie first is strongly recommended since some of the details in the movie carry over in the game. The movie shows how it happend and has very good dialogue and a strong plot that keeps you on the edge at every turn. Very good. For you all, you should definatly get this game/movie. You'll piss your pants in the game, and want more from the movie.