I am surprised there is nobody who wrote an article on this subject. This is a great game by EA (once again). It came in October 2008. I bought it a bit less than 2 weeks ago. The genre is action, thriller, a survival-horror ! A resident Evil kind. With a bit of The Thing and Alien. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAiHfqnbGYo We are in the space. We play the role of Isaac Clarke, an engineer. There is a huge vessel (the Ishimura) in the space with 1,000 persons inside. And it seems that there is no more activity. What happened ? We enter this vessel and we see bloody messages on the walls. "Cut their limbs off", "Get out far over here", "Leave this vessel now !" and other messages in an extyra-terrestrial language. Your mission is to repair this vessel. You will have to explore it everywhere to make it operational. While you're moving you will face horror ! Horrific creatures, human-like, who were the pessengers of the vessels. They will run after you to try to kill you, to eat you. What happened ? You don't know. But you will meet some disks, messages from the personnel, videos which will show you some evidences of the horror that happened before your arrival, and the destiny of the members of the crew. This game is horrific, stressingl If you want your adrenaline level to speed up just play to Dead Space, really ! In this game, the main character, Isaac, that you play in the 3d person, you know that his screams will never be heard by anybody. He is ALONE against the monsters, the necromorphs, kind of zombies. Your weapons ? Nothing ! No gun ! No, no, you have some kinds of cutters to cut your enemies. A launch-flames too. And other powerful tools. The ambiance is stressing. It's dark. Cold sometimes. Blurry. Hot ! You can't move one meter without seeing if there could be a necromorph who can jump on you. In an empty hall, the windows can be smashed by those horrors. The sound is terrible. You can hear the vessel working, the air mechanics breathing, and a monster approaching. You hear your heart speeding up ! And then .... *scream* .... a monster appears in front of you. He came from the roof ! You didn't expect that !! Just watch the Statcraft 1 video "Amerigo". And you, the player, you are ready to make a nightmare. Wanna be sick ? Just play with this game just before going to sleep .... hahahaa The stress is high because you can't easily reload you "weapons" while you are facing and fighting those monsters. You must be hidden somewhere, trankil, and reload them. Like for your health, you must get sometimes mass of medicines with you. And to complete the stress, you can't save the game anytime. You must pass some levels, some rooms, and then on the map you can see some savegame corners. But be ready and alive to save the game. You can"t hear the hero. He does not say one word in the whole game. You can jjust hear his breath, and his screams when a necromorph is attacking him. This game is very horrific. I give the advice to get it. But it is for people without any heart troubles. Because the bad surprise is the best quality of this game.
Let's see... http://www.starcraft2forum.org/forums/showthread.php?t=7476 Also, try here: http://www.starcraft2forum.org/forums/showthread.php?t=941
Didn't enjoy this game. Found it boring and the environments dull and repetitive, as were the enemies. There were a few jump moments but I think this game is generally overrated.
OMG ! I spent 16 hours of my time to finish this game. And all that I read now is "this game is generally overated". Most of the games are repetitive. Give me one example of game that is not repetitive. The enemies were repetitive, true, the environements too. But we were in a space vessel, and all the rroms had to be the same. But I don't agree with myself. The rooms had a lot of differences between them too. When you entered a laboratory it was like a laboratory. Same for the bedrooms, same for the chirurgical rooms, the pilot room, the research laboratory, the garden, the engine room; etc ... No, there were a lot of original aspects, rooms. But the stress was identic from the beginning to the end.