I for one think it'd be freaking awsome to be able to have custom portraits. It would also bring back the ability to have clans if you think about it. If everyone in a clan is required to have a tag, the portrait could be that tag. Not to mention I hate seeing people with my same portrait so it would be nice to be able to have a random one I know no one would be likely to have.
I believe blizzard is implementing a clan tag feature at the same time of the free name change thing, so that people with names like LiquidTLO for example, could just be [Liquid]TLO. it's really stupid having to buy a new game if you want to include a clan tag, I think Liquid had to buy HuK a new copy so that he could put in the tag when they play tournaments etc. obviously he uses his original copy for ladder because he already has like 400 wins on it
Yes, although achievements wud be almost useless. cept for moar epeen. although! maybe the pics cud be overseen by a mod, and be authorized or not.
^ that's exactly why custom portraits will never happen. And so long as Blizzard keeps the relatively easily attainable portraits numerous there will never be a need for custom portraits.
I think the first guy to get the Dark Voice portrait should get a freaking cookie. -_- 1000 wins with every race. lololol