Current issues and questions i have for Terran

Discussion in 'Terran' started by DKutrovsky, Mar 11, 2008.

Current issues and questions i have for Terran

Discussion in 'Terran' started by DKutrovsky, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    The banshee attack - it looks weak for one, and its obvious they changed it, whats the deal with that?

    The Thor - it doesnt do anything right now, its just slow, not very durable, nothing special about it. What the deal with the Thor?

    What attack does the jackal have? Now after the zerg intro, this unit seems like a very useful unit to have on the battle field vs. a lot of enemy units if used correctly.

    Whats the HP of the Marauder?
  2. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    It's AoE was removed in favor of the Jackal's line of fire kind of AoE. I just hope they remove the Jackal. If I want to counter biological units, I'd rather use the Marauder, since slowing down the enemy would be a lot more fun. Also, the Marauder looks kick-ass.

    on a side note: Jon mentioned the lack of detection in the current Terran (and Zerg) build, so why not make the third Factory unit a detector of some kind?

    It's currently GtA again, although it retains it's weaker GtG attack.
    It's also a lot faster now, like a Tank in assault mode. The GtA attack has a large AoE.

    We don't know yet, but it is probably between 75 and 100 hp.
  3. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    IMO just cut the banshee. sorry. its the least impressive unfuturistic and common passive looking vehicle in the terran arsenal rght now. and it fires boring single rocket? the cloak doesn't even help make it a fun unit to use IMO. xp

    i rather see the predator back. and give the terran ATG only from the bc and the ground mode viking coz they already have many gtg units.

    but if they can give the banshee a more innovative exciting weapon then maybe i'll be ok with it. ^^

    i'll pick marauders>jackal anyday if one of them needs to be cut.
  4. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Lol give the Banshee the original Colossus laser, imagine that. [flamesuiton]

    But I agree with the Thor, its just a big piece of metal wondering around. Now if it was huge again with 900hp, immobilization, long range GtA missles on its back, and slow. I'd love it.
  5. Ych

    Ych New Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Jon told me that the banshees were infact very powerful even though they don't do splash damage anymore. Although, I still preferred them to do splash damage.

    As for Thors, their new role is more like an anti-air unit. They deal unit amounts of splash damage to air units. On the other hand, they don't fare very well against ground units. They move as fast as an an unsieged tank.

    I personally don't like the direction that the Thors is going. Something so big and kickass looking deserves better then that. From the looks of it, it's basically just a soaped up Goliath. I personally want the Thors to be revamped completely to have a new and unique role. To make it unique and be distinctive to the Terran race, I came up with an idea. Of course, damage #'s and so on can be balanced so I won't be talking about it. I'll just be stating the new mechanic for it.

    My idea is this. Basically, once it's build up, it can attack anywhere on the map if you have sight-range on it (a unit helping you spot). The cooldown for the next attack would be very long (like 10 seconds so it isn't abused. Of course # would need to be balanced). It would do bonus damage to buildings. They don't do splash damage.
    Therefore, you have to aim exactly where you want your attack to hit on the map. You can't order it to bomb a unit. You have to order to bomb a place. That means, if you order to bomb a place with a Marine, if the Marine moves, you are bomb nothing. However, if another unit suddenly goes to that spot, it would get bombed :). Therefore, this mechanic is mostly effective against buildings.

    On the receiving end, you will be able to see the Thor that is bombing you once it attacks. So every 10 seconds, you get to see where the Thor is (because of the 10 second cooldown of the attack), so therefore, you don't have to actually have to take the time to find the Thor to destroy it. Of course, this would make the Thor a very powerful unit and perhaps imbalancing. To make up for it, the Thor is Tier 3.5 (same as BattleCruisers). They are expensive to build and move extremely slow. On top of that, they can't attack air units. Air units deal bonus damage against the Thor so therefore, once the Thor starts bombing away from nowhere, you can send a few air units like the mutalisk to pick it apart in no time. Thor needs very special care to use effectively.

    The reason behind is this, Terrans are a bombing race. They attack from afar. And their ultimate weapon from bombing from afar would be the Thor idea that I suggested. Of course, this mechanic would need to be played around to be balanced correctly.
  6. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    I dont agree that the banshee should be removed, we need a strong AtG.

    The Thor also needs to be stronger, a simple GtA? Thats stupid, it has to be revamped.

    The Jackal is good vs masses of units, the marauder is a support unit for marines slowing bio units. So i see both of them being useful.

    Revamp the Thor RETURN MY MEDICS!
  7. WuHT

    WuHT New Member

    May 29, 2007
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    I have not played supcom, but i've heard of the Mavor super unit and that is something similar (game winning type). However, the problem is that SC2 was said to be trying to be more mobile, so a unit that you camp to protect (while pelting the enemies from afar) kinda goes against the grain.

    Plus ...we already have nukes, which functions similarly (only the execution is different).
    Siege tanks/Nukes already have the long range bombardment covered (offensive assault) for the terrans, so the thor's bombardment themes are naturally going to be redundant. I mean..why does battlecruisers even have the plasma torpedoes is beyond me, besides a cheap gimmick.
    ---Back to Thor, the only role it can fit is GtA or a huge mechanical meatshield, and meatshields are already kinda there as supplydepot /barrack chokes.

    ---I wouldn't mind if Thor allowed the pickup of a squadron of marines (a big walking bunkeR) but again that would mean the removal of the "drop-pod" call down from the terrans. For a "versatile race"..the thor has no place as of yet ...which is sad.
  8. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    How about a similar size to the Thor.
    It has various modes.
    It can detatch sub units. Around 2-4, meaning all 2-4 form one whole unit. Each are unique.
    These take time to attach and detatch.
    Each have a different attack/ability.
    Different combos within a group of them achieves different strengths and weaknesses.

    Sketchy idea I know, change as any way you think would make it better/balanced but its just something to work from atleast?
  9. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    My wishlist:
    Give the Banshee back it's AoE
    Scrap the Jackal. give us a AA missile tank
    If the Reaper is out, put it back in
    Give us back the Medic!
    Scrap the Thor
    Give us back the Predator, especially now that we have Corruptors to deal with
  10. Light

    Light Guest

    I totally agree with Kaara, only that I wish the Thor would be the way it was.
  11. darkone

    darkone Moderator

    Jun 29, 2007
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    I rather like Ych9's idea, I just want to know how long after the button is pressed does the attack happen.
  12. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Ych9's idea is basically a Nuke.

    My wishlist:
    Return the Thor to the way everyone loved it.
    Banshee AoE.
    Reaper better stay in.
    Give Medics an upgrade for jump packs (costs energy) instead of this Medivac Dropship thing. Lets them be used with Reapers.
    I don't mind the Jackal but if Terran don't get AtA; give them a long range AA vehicle. I'd prefer an AA vehicle.
  13. Ych

    Ych New Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    I have talked to Jon about the issues regarding the Banshees.

    The reason Blizzard decided to axe the splash damage of the Banshees was because it was infact, too weak. It was only good against clumped up units. Against lone or few units, it actually wasn't very effective because of the spread damage that it deals. It's why they decided to completely scrap the idea. Now, the single attack that the Banshee delivers is very powerful as described by Jon. And of course according to Blizzard, the new Banshee is a lot more powerful then the old splash damaged Banshees.

    As for the Medics, I believed I read one of the report and on their interview with Dustin, it was stated that he didn't really like the idea of a Medivac Dropship. So expect that idea to be scrapped completely. And note, Blizzard is testing out new builds every week so don't expect everything you see now to be in the final game.

    @WuHt @Zergalicious:
    I have never played SupCom. Although I agree that the game of SC2 is suppose to be more mobile, but that doesn't mean new possibilities can't be tested. What I have suggested is something unique in the SC2 universe and IMO fits the theme of the Terran mechanics. When you think about Terran forces, what comes into your mind? 1 shot momentum, the push of death, long range bombardment. Terran army are slow to begin with. It's what differentiates them from Zerg and Protoss. The Thor idea that I suggested would actually work quite well with the Terran theme. To be honest, I don't see anything wrong with having 3 totally different mechanics of bombarding as long as they don't overlap one another and are used in totally different situations.

    I don't see how my idea is similiar to a Nuke. The wishlist that Zergalicious suggested of returning the Thor to the way everyone loved actually sounds more like a Nuke to me.

    My idea of Thors is that they can bomb anywhere on the map as long as they have LOS of that area. They don't deal splash damage (so they aren't very effective against units but can pick out key units with proper management), and very effective against buildings. Completely different from a Nuke. Nukes, Siege tanks, and my idea of Thors are 3 different methods of bombarding that not only don't overlap each other, but are used in completely different situations. Why do I suggest the bombarding ability for the Thor? Simply because it suits the Terran mechanism the most. It adds more strategy for the Terran to use in terms of Bombarding from afar (which is what they specialize in)

    The attack will start right away when you have line out sight of where you want to hit.
  14. darkone

    darkone Moderator

    Jun 29, 2007
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    I didn't mean when it starts, I mean when it ends.

    How long after you tell it to attack does the shell fall and explode there? Its not like it could be instant, that makes no sense.
  15. Ych

    Ych New Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Very good question darkone.
    I haven't actually thought of it, haha.

    I believe that would be more of a balancing issue. But definitely not right away. I guess it depends how far the target is from your Thor. The further it is, the longer it takes the shell to impact.
  16. darkone

    darkone Moderator

    Jun 29, 2007
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    I guess that makes sense, .1 seconds for every matrices away, or something to that effect.
  17. DontHate

    DontHate New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    A lot of what blizzard is doing so far with the terrans is not going that well for me.

    1st of all, they should get the thor it's barrage back, but allow it to attack air and ground both effectivly and give it's slowness again.

    2ndly, the jackal is one of the units that are done right, for me. Very cool attack and just what the terrans need.

    3rdly, get the maurader cut and replaced by the medic. I would much prefer it over a medivac and also, it looks ugly. Not to mention the jackal does exactly what it does. Also, the medic's flare ability seemed to be cool and useful.

    The medivac seems very silly... How does it heal units from the air? Sounds very much like the medigun from TF2.

    The reapers also need to stay in the game. The seem very cool and good for harrasing, a unit that the terrans no longer have without any vultures. (jackal isn't as fast as the vulture anymore)
  18. SmoothBore

    SmoothBore New Member

    Oct 31, 2007
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    Thor as a meat shield: The way the itlooks, and the way it is described in the lore, the Thor seems to be best designed for straight up frontal assault, able to take and dish out alot of damage.

    Give it tonnes of armour. Give it the ability to shoot 2 different targets at same time with its arm cannons. Keep bombarbment but make it have a very short range (no overlap with Tank) with ridiculous damage, and descreased speed when activated. Optionally, give it 2 SCV bays which actively repair the the Thor from inside, have them be exposed to any damage the thor takes but at a much reduced rate. I want to see this thing wade through armies and bases.

    The thor should be epic to make, attack with and kill. Not a late tier GTA, that gets ruined by a couple of banelings.
  19. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    I really the SCV bay idea and the toughness of the Thor, it definately deserves to be a Super Unit if you ask me, just as much as the Mothership did.

    I can actually see how this whole Super unit idea can work out.

    The queen can be a defensive super unit.
    The thor an offensive one
    the mothership a spellcaster type
  20. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    my solution for the thor... make it a giant uver marine. meaning it will act as the ultimate ground assault unit of the terran. if fires at short range and dont have splash and does not do very well against building so that it won't overlap with the tank. just change the attack animation, the attack projectile should be impressive looking.

    the problem is the artilery on its back, thats the one that makes the thor redundant. may suggestion about is to change the way it look make it a double giant blaster, that charges(like yamato) and fire at enemy ground units(do well against big units like ultra and colossus), but with long cooldown(say 3-5 seconds), it wont be an ability but rather a passive attack that fires simultaneosly with the arm canon. now that would look kickass.

    as for the banshee... i only want to cut it from the look and attack it has. i still want atg terran unit, but IMO the unit should looks and feel interesting and unique too. the single rocket explosion just looks normal, common, and boring in any sci rts. innovation please.

    and lorewise and from the looks of it. marauder(this guy is a buff up marine, imagine it in the cinematics)>reaper(mediocre trying hard badass unit in real life with their dual pistols in sci fi)/medic(gay). xp