How is this used? If I use tanks and control group them,selecting all,do I simply click on a series of units and they are attacked in sequence or must I hold down shift or control while selecting the units to be attacked. And is it the same with a group of ghosts using EMP in a control group? And If so is the energy used as if one ghost at a time is EMPing? Thank You
It's spelt "queue." you select a group of units, and hold down shift while giving commands(move, attack, etc) to make the selected group of units carry out those commands in the order they were given.
I remember i used the word "queue" one time in this forum, too.... had to look it up. Still feels uncomfortable maybe because im no big fan of the french language (had to learn it in school ) Shift-attacking is nice, for example to harass your opponents economy (shift-attacking the drones). I would suggest to get used to the shift-click - feature. Great for building, too. Take your worker out of your mineral line, shift-click for one or more buildings and the last thing you do is shift-clicking on the minerals again. Meanwhile you can get back to business and look for a new attack, build units and so on......there is no overusement of shift-clicking
Focus fire 101! attack-click, hold shift, and click in the order you want to kill things =] this is an invaluable technique, once you've queued your attacks, hit your control groups for buildings and start rebuiling your army + make sure your expo is being saturated. I ALWAYS shift click when building (except when zerg), send the worker back to mining the minute the building is done. ________ Ford Model U picture
ThX 4 the repliis, I am awarre of the shft attack. What i Was asking wuz, When I shift attack with ghosts using EMP,Will all the ghosts EMP all at once on each target I select,or will one ghost at a time each EMP in sequence. In other words does shift attacking with the ghosts waste the energy of all the ghosts in one shot,or spread out the use of energy by only allowing one ghost at a time to EMP,thereby not wasting energy. I hope I made it clear this time. :-}
Once again, use spellcheck. The ghosts will not waste energy - EMP is "smartcasted" so when you tell a group of ghosts to cast EMP, only one will do it.
Is fungal growth an corruption smartcasted as well? Is there a way, to have more than 10 control groups?
yes, if you shift cast they will do 1 EMP per shift cast, applies to all casters. grammar and spell check please.
IMO for all the AoE spells, shift clicking isn't necessary... the area is so small to begin with and comes out so quickly that shift clicking is a wasted action.