Critique my play thread

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Tossup, May 22, 2010.

Critique my play thread

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Tossup, May 22, 2010.

  1. Tossup

    Tossup New Member

    May 10, 2010
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    I lost this match up against a terran player. At first, It didn't seem anything was happening and I was expecting a reaper rush sometime. So I made a quick stalker. I think that's what threw me off my game. I did however see the banchees being made so I made the right counter. Then...I got tank pushed off. I'm not sure how to approach such an advance. There was a stupid blunder at aobut 10 mins where I just walk into his army as he's coming to my base. I should have set a probe to the watch tower before approaching...I would have saved me so many units.

    here's the replay. critique please :)

    Apparently, i'm a gold level player though I still feel like a bronze level :(. I was bronze before the patch.
  2. BloodHawk

    BloodHawk Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    I very much so like the idea of this thread based on entertainment factor alone. But I would recommend posting your replays to youtube instead for easier viewing. I imagine that would increase popularity.
  3. Tossup

    Tossup New Member

    May 10, 2010
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    but fraps is hard to set up D:
  4. oneil

    oneil New Member

    May 13, 2010
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    Ottawa, Canada
    - Install
    - Execute, set hotkey for start/stop capture
    - Load up game, start replay, hit Fraps hotkey (fps should appear in a corner to show capture)
    - Hit hotkey to stop capture, upload file to youtube
  5. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    New Port Richey, FL
    @ Tossup,

    I watched your replay and I have extensive notes for you. You really have your work cut out for you. I did my notes chronologically so it might help to look at them while you watch the replay.

    NOTE: 16/18 refers to the amount of supply you've taken up out of your total supply, marks time.

    3:30 16/18 - You're not constantly producing probes in your early game like you should. You need a consistent build order that allows you to constantly build probes up to saturation which then leads to expansion and you move some of those probes out to the expo. First Commandment of StarCraft: Never Stop Building Workers!

    4:40 -
    You're not spending your resources wisely or quickly enough. You can't have 300 minerals sitting around in the bank. Spend it on something! Tech up to a robo facility or build another gateway and don't forget to turn those minerals into units! The earlier you start building units the larger your army will be and you won't have to invest in so much production later on because your army will already be large. If you find yourself with 400 minerals sitting around it might be a good time to expand! Your goal is to try to keep your minerals as close to 0 as possible. The goal is to build that Gateway (a theoretical Gateway) when you get 150 minerals exactly and not a second later. This keeps your efficient.

    5:40 - You should have placed a second pylon for your buildings at the ramp. Leaving them with only one pylon is a no-no. It leaves them vulnerable to your opponent taking it out, which happened later in the match. Also, why do you only have 1 Gateway at this point? You should have at least two by this point in the game. You teched to a Cyber Core way too early to not have a second Gate by now.

    7:00 - You built a Robotics Facility and then build an observer out of it. You should have built an Immortal as the first unit out of this building! The timing would have been perfect as your opponent was about to launch an attack. You should build Immortals, they are very useful against Marauders.

    7:50 - OH, GOD! USE THE CLIFF FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS! Your opponent can't see up the cliff. So if you put your ranged units on the edge of the cliff and your Zealots block the ramp, he won't even be able to get up to fight you! If you had properly used your ramp you would have easily won this battle. You just let him waltz right in and he easily manhandled you. You could have easily warped-in additional Stalkers near your cliff and annihilated his attack force, and you forgot to use your Sentry's Guardian Shield ability which is required against Terran. You also used your probes as a last-ditch way too late. When you started losing but you still had some fighting units left, that's when you should have sent them in as a damage boost.

    Also, when your probes do have to be used to win a fight like that, you need to make sure you put them back to work immediately! Also, Immortals would have saved you during this fight. You might even have won the game right here! You also have minerals sitting around. Build units or tech (Dark Templars?)!

    10:30 - You still haven't built a single Immortal up until now and now your opponent is building Banshees and Tanks. You're in trouble because you also took a hit to your economy. But the game isn't lost yet. You still have too many unspent minerals. You're also wasting your Robotics Facility. You're not even building anything!! Why did you get this building?? You've built 2 observers which you're not even using. Scout the map if you have them!

    Also, you're using Chronos Boost all wrong. You're using it on your Nexus but you only have one probe queued. 15 of the 30 seconds of the Chronos Boost is being completely wasted. Make sure you queue enough units that their building time lasts for the entire Chronos Boost. Or use it to research upgrades. With the number of Zealots you had Charge would've been helpful.

    You reacted well to the Banshee attack during this time, but you should've followed up and used your Observer to scout the enemy base. You would've seen his coming push.

    13:30 - Still no immortal?! You might have wanted to tech up to Dark Templar, High Templar, or Warp Rays here.

    14:47 - Pay attention to your surroundings and scout. Sometimes knowing when and where the attack is coming from makes all the difference. You missed two Banshees that were sitting at your natural expansion.

    15:10 - Oh gosh, another gigasmic mistake. Always use attack-move unless you need to avoid shooting at something. You walked right into his army and took about 2 or 3 seconds of damage before your units even started firing. Also, you started to focus fire on his Siege Tanks which is good but you didn't finish the job. If you had taken all his tanks out and retreated back to your cliff with the rest of your army you would have lasted a lot longer.

    Also, you should have expanded.

    15:50 - You screwed up so much here I can't even name them all. You built your first Immortal of the game here and wasted it by letting Banshees snipe it. You need to use your units to their strengths. You should have tried to use your Stalkers to take out his air units which were scouting your cliff and providing range for his Siege Tanks. You could also have benefitted from Blink and more Immortals.

    That's all I've got for this replay!
    Last edited: May 26, 2010
  6. iKnowMyABCs

    iKnowMyABCs New Member

    Apr 3, 2010
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    I think Joneagle said everything that I noticed but I wanted to add one more thing. Like my post about the marauder and marine push early game, I had trouble defending that off too however investing in even 1 sentry is crucial. Immortal or no immortal, if you manage to force field your ramp choke so that you trap half of his units below the high point, you're all set even if you don't focus fire. Always remember, learn how to utilize the most OP unit or spell in the game (in Protoss case, FORCE FIELDS~!).
  7. Dr.Toss

    Dr.Toss New Member

    May 27, 2010
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    a lot of noob mistakes, nothing you won't pick up after a hundred games or so ^ ^.
  8. Dr.Toss

    Dr.Toss New Member

    May 27, 2010
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    This is the first terran player i've played in a while that didn't turtle. I can't figure out how to crack that Tank shell, do i mass void rays stalker or something? PvT with siege tanks are the hardest for me to play, i even tried to DT snipe them but that damn raven keeps messing me up.

    Also, i need to learn how to micro.
  9. Yorkylol

    Yorkylol New Member

    May 6, 2010
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    Dr. Toss you could try and expand faster, yea the first expansion was good and at a decent time, but why did you wait till 30 mins in to get a third expo? And even if you do wait that long why not go for the HY expo? Immortals are perfect for Tanks do not diverge from that, but get some AA to take out the medivacs you cannot rely on ground units the entire game. He only had one Raven for the longest time, and it didnt even have the missile so his air was not a threat at all, you could have also gotten some Phoenixs to take out his tanks, just use gravitation beam. Many many ways you could have gone to counter this, usually if the strat you are using doesn't work change it, not continue to mass it. If I were you I would have turned those templars to archons, they were pretty much useless after the first attack and with the splash damage and added damage vs biological units they would have given your opponent a run for his money, possibly destroying him completely, cause you would have your Phoenix's taking out the tanks, many ways to GG it
  10. Nirvana

    Nirvana Guest

    just figured Ill join the post.Im new as well and not yet have i played against another player but i have been playing with the computer at intermediate level.Just wanted to put up the replay tell me how i did and what i can do to better ill post more replays and of course of me losing lol.which are most of them.check this replay out and let me know.

    Attached Files:

  11. cHowziLLa

    cHowziLLa New Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    i dont usually have any problems against tanks

    Often I have a surplus of minerals than gas, so I dont want to put it to waste, so I make zealots and in order to keep zealots useful, i upgrade charge which so happens to be very good against tanks.

    with immortals, stalkers and sentries its unbeatable, unless he has MMM and tanks. in that case you are talking about mid/late game, which you should have better units.

    once what i did was build enough phoenixes to lift up all the tanks while all my zealots and sentries finished all the rest, it was pretty dope :)
  12. starcraftboy

    starcraftboy Guest

    How the hell do you watch these videos? I tried Windows Media Player and VLC, and neither one did anything!


    I went on their site and it's all old news there too, apparrently the replays won't work while the beta is closed.

    Next time just upload it to YouTube, it's not worth the hassle for me to see them any other way.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2010
  13. Peekaboo

    Peekaboo Guest

    I have a little addition to this. Don't "que up" enough units to last the chronoboost. Right as one chrono'd unit finishes you should create the next one. I realize it's a little thing, and it will take a little bit of your attention at first, but you don't want to develop any more bad habits. :)
  14. cHowziLLa

    cHowziLLa New Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    you got out-classed son!

    listen to Joneagle_X