Criticism - my first match

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Nem, Jul 31, 2010.

Criticism - my first match

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Nem, Jul 31, 2010.

  1. Nem

    Nem New Member

    Jul 31, 2010
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    So I never really played SC1 or any RTS' in general, and tried my first match just now and won. Im always trying to get better at these things so would anyone mind taking a look at my replay and telling me what I should have done differently?

    the way I see it, there are a few things I should have done:
    1) expanded earlier
    2) scouted way earlier to find out they had no anti-air and were teching dark templars
    3) instead of building a templar archives, go with a robotics+observer to screw over their dark templars, or a stargate given they have no anti air

    Im still trying to understand this whole macro business so Im probably wrong in what I just suggested, but is there anything else I should have done/shouldnt have done?


    EDIT: im the protoss at the bottom of the map

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  2. jasmine

    jasmine New Member

    Feb 26, 2009
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    My trouble is that I'm afraid of expanding. I'm afraid of the expansion being destroyed before it gives me a return on my investment. I'm afraid of being forced to move units over to defend it, and then not be able to defend it.

    I don't expand as aggressively as I should.

    Also don't underestimate the power of observation. It's normal for us to fear the unknown. Fear is what make us hesitate about do the things we should be doing... like expanding. :D
  3. Reasoner

    Reasoner New Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    You should put the ralley point of the nexus to the minerals if your mining, just time that can be saved. By the looks of it you could have gone to vespene gas earlier. Did you have a observer? Because dark templars alkost attacked your base with no seen defences, though he should have used them for defense. Im not really protoss buti hoped I helped, o, and when your attacking not like it matters much but go after the pylon for the barracks so they cant make troops, dont leave it last for attack because he could have created a small force lol...