Creative things you want added to the Zergs' game

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Ahuizotl, Aug 24, 2010.

Creative things you want added to the Zergs' game

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Ahuizotl, Aug 24, 2010.

  1. Ahuizotl

    Ahuizotl New Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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    Alright, so I know there are a lot of angry or dissatisfied Zerg players out there who feel that they got unfairly hit by the patches and make them have to work twice as hard as a toss or terran player to be good. Well, now here’s your chance to suggest some solutions. Feel free to submit any idea of a unit/building/ability buff, a change in game mechanics, or just any new edition overall that would greatly help with a Zerg players style of play (just be honest, and don’t post anything that is obviously OP or unrealistic or anything that might give the zerg too much of an advantage when versing either toss or terran). I’ll start you guys off by listing some things that I think would be neat to see. You can feel free to comment about my ideas, but be sure to post some of your own as well.
    Unit Buffs:
    Zergling--- I don’t really think it needs a buff. It does pretty well the way it is. Maybe another morph form to go along with the bane ling to give it more versatility. I’ll get to that later.
    Roach--- Several ideas that would give the roach back some of its former power before it was nerfed (these are individual suggestions, not to be taken all at once). Suggestion number one, give the roach splash damage; it’s attack is just so slow, that the best way I can see to compensate for it is to do damage to surrounding units. Number two, give it a longer range and/or let its attack go through multiple units. Three: get rid of rapid regeneration when burrowed and instead have it so that the roach regains a small amount of HP equal to a percent of the damage it inflicts (and I mean a SMALL percentage, mind you), would probably be more fair if it had to be researched. Suggestion number four: a researchable upgrade similar to the marauder’s concussion grenades, where it slows an enemies speed. Final suggestion, a new special ability: withdraw. Come on, it looks just like a turtle, man. A special ability that makes it draw into its shell, which reduces its movement speed ridiculously and increases armor by 1-2 (or a percentage, or a flat number reduction if you prefer). No energy, but does have a cooldown time, and there is a delay between switching out of withdraw mode and back into regular roach mode. Cannot burrow while withdrawn and must be researched. Cannot use immediately after unburrowing.
    Baneling--- I think it needs something that makes it useful in more situations. First suggestion, the Baneling does 10-20% of its attack damage to the unit that kills it (bonus against light units is ignored); only activates if the baneling was killed before it reached its target and its premature explosion caused no damage to enemy units or buildings. Second suggestion, 10 gas is returned to the player if the Baneling exploded but did not cause any damage. Third suggestion, a special ability: electro-parasite burst. Basically the same effect as a ghost’s EMP grenade, only with little larger radius and, obviously, a ‘zergish’ animation. Kills the Baneling, does no direct damage to enemy units. Stuns mechanical and/or psionic units and defensive buildings. Must be researched and/or requires gas to use. Cannot be autocast. Stun and drain effect does not overlap.
    Hydralisk--- I don’t really think it needs a buff. Maybe a tunneling ability similar to Bink, or faster off-creep speed (not a lot, but some). Maybe a researchable poison upgrade that deals additional damage to an enemy ten seconds after a Hydralisk attacks (doesn’t overlap, of course: only works for the last attack it made). But I think it’s pretty powerful just the way it is.
    Infestor--- The only thing I can think of is to make it smaller. It’s so big and plump it is too easy to spot in a zerg army compared to something like a ghost or HT. Giving it a little bit of camouflage when amongst other zerg would make it much more useful.
    Mutalisk--- Don’t think it needs a buff, really, except maybe cut back the gas price a little (not a lot, a little.)
    Queen--- Again, can’t really think of anything. How about making it so transfusion is an AoE spell? (at a higher energy cost, of course)
    Drone--- Can’t really think of too much. Maybe the ability to ‘merge’ with a building to increase its construction and research speed. Can still be attacked while merged, though.
    Overlord--- More health. I’d love to see it get a speed boost when hovering over creep.
    Overseer--- There’s one ability that I think would be pretty badass (though probably overpowered) in either the overseer or the overlord (would have to be researchable, though). An ability that makes a detectors line of sight go cloudy. Microscopic spores or something zergy like that. Detectors can see the cloud, but not any hidden units inside of the area of the cloud. Regular units do not see the cloud at all. Has a limited time frame and can only be used in a certain area. Either a long cooldown time or a lot of energy use and, I repeat, should be a higher tier tech research.
    Changeling--- I think it’s good the way it is. Maybe a little more health so it doesn’t automatically die in one hit.
    Corruptor--- This thing has a very limited number of useful situations. Suggestion number one, a special ability: dive bomb. Does considerable damage to a single ground unit or building. Suggestion number two, make corruption an AoE spell. Number three, along with its usual effects, corruption also reduces enemy attack speed. Final suggestion, maybe make it a little faster or at least give it better range.
    Brood Lord--- Definitely does not need to be buffed. Maybe make it a little quicker to produce or increase its movement speed, but that’s it.
  2. Ahuizotl

    Ahuizotl New Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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    Ultralisk--- People say they can’t find a use for the Ultralisk that isn’t filled by other units, so I was wondering if we could broaden its use. Suggestion number 1: spawns either 6 zerglings, 1-3 banelings, 2-3 roaches, 2-3 Hydras, 1-2 Mutalisks, or 1 corruptor at random when killed (must be available at the hatchery for it to have a chance of spawning) or just simply spawns broodlings like a building would. Suggestion number two: spawns a creep tumor where it is killed. Suggestion number three, a special ability: rampage. Halves current health, has a long cool down time so it can’t be used consecutively, acts like a stim pack. Suggestion number four, another suggested ability: Charge. A forward attack move of good range that does relatively decent damage to units, bonus against buildings, and will push away enemies that get in its way (to be clearer, will move them aside. no more ramp blocks :) ). Lags at the end so it can’t be used consecutively and leaves the ultralisk vulnerable temporarily. If a building in the path is destroyed by the move, the ultralisk will continue on with the attack (cap of three buildings that can be destroyed at once before the move is ended) , but will abruptly if it hits a building or other non-unit object that is not destroyed by this move. Final suggestion: can act as a transport for ground units. Also, get rid of or reduce the short time span of vulnerability whenever an ultralisk unburrows (just unburrow, not burrow. Kind of defeats the purpose if it takes so much time for it to unburrow)

    Units, building, or the like you’d like to see.
    1. I’d like to see a low-tier caster of some kind, on par with the sentry. It would give Zerg more opening possibilities.
    2. Live creep tumors have can be morphed into a creep tendril, a defensive building structure that can attack both air and ground, but is much at both than an the spore or spine crawler would be, and has much less HP. Creep tumor is vulnerable to attack while morph takes place. (Meaning your enemy can see it without the need of a detector.) Cannot move like spine and spore crawlers can. Costs some resources to morph, but much less than a spine or sporecrawler would. Must be build directly onto creep, and will die instantly if creep is destroyed.
    3. Creep slowly damages enemy units while they’re stationary on creep for more than 3 seconds at a time. This can be an upgrade. Creep will also damage buildings.
    4. A researchable upgrade, live Creep tumors, if close to a cliff, can become a creep ladder, allowing non-massive ground units to traverse a cliff. The creep tumor is vulnerable while morphing. The ladder can be destroyed by enemy units. Does not spread any creep, and must be connected to creep in order for it to remain stable. Works both ways, as enemies can use it as well. Provides no line of sight and does not give the benefits of normal creep.
    5. Another zergling morph, much later up the tech tree than the zergling. I can’t imagine what that unit might be, but is should have anti-air capabilities.
    6. Make it so we don’t have to build so many buildings. Instead of having to make a baneling nest, how about just make it an upgrade at the spawning pool?
    7. Nydus worm has a special attack ability that can target adjacent enemy buildings (meaning you have to be almost exactly right next to it). Does high damage, cannot be autocast, can only target buildings, and only buildings within a very limited proximity. Has a cooldown time. Can come from an upgrade at the nydus cavern.
    8. An upgradable ability. Zerglings and/or drones can turn into creep tumors (with smaller radius than a normal creep tumor). Requires morph time.
    Game mechanics changes:
    This could have to do with the view screen, the button system, the terrain, or anything like that. I only have one in this category: creep cannot be seen in an enemy minimap. This single thing limits the use of creep and zerg building stealth enormously. An opponent shouldn’t be given the opportunity to view your creep anytime he pleases; he should have to actively monitor it just like everyone else has to monitor the range of a power field or whether a supply depo is raised or not.
    And that is the full an unabridged list of things I’d like to see added or improved to Starcraft 2 in the future for the Zerg. Keep in mind, I came up with each individual item independently; I never planned on them all being used. So criticize if you must, but submit your own ideas to benefit the Zerg in the future. Have fun!
  3. Reasoner

    Reasoner New Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Joke thread? If even half of these went through it would be ridiculous op for zerg. People need to get used to zerg like the Koreans, an when they shut up they'll get buffed a bit up.
  4. Ahuizotl

    Ahuizotl New Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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    Dude, relax. This is just a "what if" kind of thing, I don't really expect any of these things to actually happen. It's just meant to get people to think creativley, that's all.
  5. visom1

    visom1 New Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    Agreed with Ahuizotl, chill out there's no need to flame bait.

    Back on topic:
    Zerglings: They're alright overall, maybe their adrenal gland (+20% attack speed) upgrade should be buffed to +30% since there's hardly a difference in +20% to me.
    Roaches: Having to burrow it to gain HP regen is too micro intensive. Just give it a fast HP regen (not as fast as when burrowed) whether its burrowed or not burrowed. Lower the roach's HP a bit (120 instead of 145).
    Hydralisks: DEFINITELY needs a buff. They have no speed upgrades. Give them the speed upgrade option back. Everything else is fine... sure they're more expensive but they get a damage boost.
    Banelings: Performance doesn't measure up to cost (they each cost 50mins and 25gas), give their BASE damage a small boost (25dmg or 30dmg instead of 20).
    Queen: fine as is
    Mutas: fine as is
    Infestors: lower mineral cost from 100 to 50... High templars and defilers both cost 50mins and they're same tier as infestors.
    Corruptors: Either boost damage of their normal attack, or reduce energy cost of corruption.
    Ultralisks: They get kited too easily, give them option to upgrade speed again.
    Brood lord: fine as is
  6. Prawn108

    Prawn108 New Member

    Jul 25, 2010
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    don't look up
    zerglings should be able to attack while moving like the diamondback does. if they are within melee range of the thing they are running next to, they auto attack without slowing down at all. Maybe the same for roaches if they're running directly forward, but have to stop to attack from the side or backwards. So no epic kiting but can chase retreating units extra well.

    creep tumors should be able to use a "scan" type ability on themselves that detects within the region they give creep to.
  7. KHaYMaN

    KHaYMaN New Member

    May 1, 2010
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    I still like the idea of Overlords (or maybe Overseers for balance reasons) being able to explode.

    Although I think the person who suggested this in another thread wanted them to do air-to-air area damage. I would prefer a return of the defiler's plague in this fashion (AoE ability like fungal growth that would reveal hidden units and slowly eat away the HPs of the units hit by it, for anyone who didn't play SC1). I realize this supplants fungal growth (which took the place of ensnare + plague from SC1), so something would have to be done there.

    Maybe have it leave a permanent creep spot (very small, equivalent to creep drop) at the location as well.

    As for zerglings....I want them to be able to hitch onto things like mutalisks and ultralisks. Perhaps have scourge make a new appearance as a tier 3 upgrade too, and have them morph from zerglings like banelings do.

    Creep: creep is I think it should be able to detect cloaked GROUND units that are walking on it :)
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2010
  8. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    They only things I really liked the idea of were the creep tumors to have the tendril thing, like you can choose either another creep tumor or creep tendril. (creep tendrils are not cloaked)
    And make another morph that will give an ability that will allow a scan type thing that makes the creep come a little more alive in like 3/4 its sight distance witch gives it the detection thing (visual aid for enemys) this only lasts for like 10-15 seconds and has a cool down before it can be used again.

    The only other thing I liked was the idea that creep wouldn't show on there mini map, so if you decide to do a proxy hatchery the enemy would have to look at that spot without looking at the mini map, giving the zerg some kind of a chance at making the proxy work.

    And maybe the return of the lurker focused and fine tuned to be an anti thor machine, cuz you have to do a lot to kill thors in massive balls (witch you shouldn't allow but what ever).
    So the lurker would get a small base damage (like 15) and get like a +20 to massive and armored targets, so they would still be effective for most things but really good vs thors/colossi (this also gives the zerg a counter vs colossi other then air witch probly isn't needed.)
    The lurker would come as a teir three unit and would also come with the siege range upgrade only at a high cost (200/200 at the most, 100/100 at the least so id say around 150/150)
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2010
  9. GrimZ

    GrimZ New Member

    Aug 26, 2010
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    I would just really love it if one zerg defensive structure attacked both air and ground. It would make sense, since a spine crawler is long and could "reach," and it would be "fair" considering that protoss have photons which attack both and can put up so fast, and technically bunkers can attack both (obviously missles are a better choice but still), zerg is the only one who has completely separate structures (I don't really see it as unreasonable either, since one defensive structure costs a drone which essentially costs minerals and gas which is taxing on economy, early game especially).

    I just feel like when people see zerg defenses they don't really have the stopping power or the "crap, we should take our time planning this out" that the protoss photon cannons seem to have (very intimidating when a gold expo is surrounded with 5 layers of them).

    Also, since the zerg has no wall-crawler unit, I think infestors should be able to ignore wall-ins when burrowed. It may seem OP, but it would just force terran and toss to have detectors if they don't want to get surprise attacked.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2010
  10. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    if they did so I think that the infester wouldn't be able to cast infested terrans underground, and things might require more energy too, that would just be an unrequired nerf in my opinion.

    I don't mind most of what the zerg have to offer now and the only real thing i think they need is the lurker, but if there going to introduce new units in HotS I guess it just means that blizz is to lazy to come up with more creative units. Or they may change the lurker like they did with the gardians and brood lords so that its more awesome, I guess only time will tell.
  11. frostbite907

    frostbite907 Guest

    Zergs fine in the current game, with the nerf to terran and toss they will be even closer to the other 2 races. The only thing i would like to see is the ability to dump the queens energy into something that is not creep tumors. Honestly injecting with 4 queens while you have to worry about everything else is IMO stupid. I see so many terran players just throw down 2-5 mules because they stopped using them mid game.
  12. Draco Spirit

    Draco Spirit New Member

    Aug 26, 2010
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    I think the subpar base defence of the zerg are there to make up for there excerlent sneaky stuff options to be honest. The terrans are prety much the other way round.