I am so frustrated. I downloaded the game digitally and it played fine until my fuse went out mid-game. That was two weeks ago. Tried to play, and I got a "corrupt install" error, which I couldn't fix even after I contacted Blizzard support, so I completely reinstalled windows 7 and the game. It worked well until today. I was loading a custom 1v1 match and about 80% through the game froze, then quit, then I got the frickin corrupt install message again and haven't been able to open anything except the game itself. I tried reinstalling (i uninstalled first) but this message popped up part way through the installation process: http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/5647/scerror.png Any clue as to why this keeps happening to me? All I wanna do is play some SC2 people. Thanks for any help you got!
Please post the pic as a jpg. Png's take forever for me to load on dialup. ~_~ When you reinstalled Windows 7, did you format your hard drive? Let's try running chkdsk to see if any errors are found. First thing I want you can do after posting the dxdiag here(Click here to learn how to make/post a dxdiag), is to open a command prompt and run check disk. TO do that: 1. Run CMD as administrator (follow instructions) 2. Once CMD is open as an admin, type "chkdsk c:" and let it run. If errors are reported, run "chkdsk c: /f" and when it can't force 'all open handlers' closed, keep pressing 'y' until it presents you the option of running on boot. Once you know chkdsk will run on boot, restart the computer. If any errors are corrected, run the SC2 repair again... Make sure to post a dxdiag so I can learn more about your system. There are plenty of other things to check.
What motherboard do you have? It looks like either an AMD 7xx or 8xx series board. Post its make and model here so I can dig up some drivers for you.
Read this stickied thread on poor performing 700/800 series AMD boards. This will let you install the appropriate chipset drivers for your "swaped" SB750 southbridge. If you have further issues in StarCraft 2 after installing the proper chipset drivers, please post a new dxdiag here and we'll continue troubleshooting.
Installation is corrupt error Hi guys im getting the same error as others..every few games my game crashes in the beg of a game and it says my installation is corrupt error with a brief message....many times that short message changes. Ive tried repaired 50 + times and ive uninstalled and re-installed over 5 times... Could someone please help me with it? im very bad with computers, but i'd really like to get this fixed. Ive contacted their tech support but he only emails me back every few days and so far has only said to "repair and reinstall" which obviously ive tried many times thanks to anyone who will take the time to help another addicted gamer
Nothing worked for me, so I reinstalled windows and reformatted my hard drive. This STILL did not work (even though I used both a new download and a disk). So I found an extra hard drive, formatted it, and installed the game on it. Now the game works fine but I never put anything else on that drive. If you've got one, see if it works. If not, I don't know. Good luck.