corruptors and their uses/abilities

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Ballistixz, Feb 28, 2010.

corruptors and their uses/abilities

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Ballistixz, Feb 28, 2010.

  1. Ballistixz

    Ballistixz New Member

    Jun 24, 2009
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    has anyone this unit in a build? maybe muta+corruptor? or muta+corruptor+broodlord? i can see how it can be pretty good as long as u have 3 base and 6 gass to support it. or even 2 base and 4 gass.

    im thinking the typical 3 hatch muta build to start off with. go and get your natural expo and gas up as much as u can and get mutas as fast as u can. once the mutas pop u go harass the enemy as much as you possibly can (mutas are unbeleivably strong in sc2 honestly and insanely more easy to micro. there hard to stack but THEY CAN BE STACKED if done right. all you do is click right below them and they stack up into a nice ball and u just do the typical old muta micro from sc1. it takes practice but it works wonders)

    anyway while your harassing u can do one of 2 things: expand and get another base and get some corruptors or get corruptors right away. the reason why i say corruptors is because not only is it a good AtA unit to support ur mutas from things like phonixes/vikings or w/e but mainly because of its ability. it has a ability called corruption which "locks down" any and all buildings from doing anything for a period of time. u can use them to corrupt a enemy nexus/cc/hatcher to stop them from producing anything while ur mutas eat up the remaining scvs/probes/drones. or u can use them on barracks/gates/tech buildings to delay there tech and upgrades. or if u mass enought of them u can use them on everything...

    with enought corruptors u can keep a building corrupted for a insanely long ammount of time. long enought to get a good few basses up or end the game right there. or u can go hive tech and morph some of ur corruptors into broodlords which is insanely strong lol.

    im just wondering if anyone tried this against an actual player? so far on the streams i havent seen anyone go corruptors mainly because once they get mutas out its usually GG and they just win the game with mutas right then and there... so ya. any thoughts? obviously it eats up alot of gas and minerals but u should be able to harass enough with mutas to atleast prevent ur opponent from expanding and put u in a eco lead and a position to expand urself to support the incoming corruptors and broodlords.

    and u dont HAVE to go brood lords. u can just aswell finish it with the mutas and keep stunning buildings with corruptors and just keep on making cracklings cuz there cheaper. broodlords might be overkill at that point anyway.

    also the corruptors ability is just a insanely good ability imho so it can be used in any build u go with. u can skip the mutas and go straight for corruptors with hydras/lings/roaches for your main army and just go corrupting **** while ur main army is dealing with the enemy army. if your enemies army gets wiped out you can proceed to try and finish them since the corruptors successfully locked down all of the barracks/gateways/etc and keeping them locked for a good long time so they wont be able to bring in back up units. OR u can just aswell mass up your own army while the enemy is unable to produce additional units.

    to me i can see so many uses for the corruptors ability. it just seems so good to pass up. seriously the ability to stop a entire building from doing anything? how can that not be useful lol
  2. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    Well, I could see that very useful and you made very liable points. But it's so gas heavy you would need to mass lings in the begining so you have a build up of gas that would maybe allow you to build some mass mutas. And buildng only lings is a very bad idea now cuz you need diversity in you're army or your ganna die.

    I haven't played the game but I could see a lot of uses for the infester as well but no body wants to look into it with infsters or currupters it seems.
  3. Rebel Head

    Rebel Head New Member

    Jan 13, 2010
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    I thought the new corruptor's ability was insubstantial compared to that old ability it had where it could turn air units into stationary turrets that fight for you, but actually it seems like it could be pretty useful and make for some interesting strategies. Corruptors now seem to play almost like the old corsairs from Starcraft 1, don't you think? Best of all, they can morph into brood lords, saaaaaweeet! I will be using them alot in my zerg games.
  4. Aggregate

    Aggregate New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Muta harassment has reached a whole new level.

    Bring one corrupter with you on the harass trip (maybe the second trip because you need to wait a bit for enough power for it's ability). Destroy all the drones/scvs/probes you can with your muta and then cast the ability on their hive/command center/protossbase (forgot the name). They need to wait another 30 seconds (?) before they can build moar. I've had a few players just leave the game at this point.
  5. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Yeah it's a pretty powerful mechanic. You can also use it to stop production of anti-air units like Marines, etc.
  6. Bthammer45

    Bthammer45 New Member

    Jan 8, 2009
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    I personally think they need to make the range a little longer and also It seems it should have some kind of slowing effect on units too so its effects are universal.
  7. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Ugh no thanks man. Zerg is already OP as is. LOL
  8. FFenix

    FFenix New Member

    Jun 16, 2009
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    Zerg is not OP Jon, Terran is OP, nerf those marines patch 6 PEW PEW PEW
  9. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    I think people don't use Corruption much because it's not that fun compared to, say, making turrets.

    It also only affects buildings; this is more limited in some ways than Disruption Web. (On the other hand, Disruption Web had no effect on a barracks.) But it seems to me, it's main use is to shut down planetary fortresses, and those don't necessarily appear that often.
  10. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    i'd use it just to piss off my enemy if i had the apm, but I don't so I couldn't try it out on the crack, (shh, shut up lucky beta key getters)

    oh yea and even if I did I wouldn't be able to hear the comp complaining T_T
  11. Hadoken

    Hadoken Guest

    Problem with bringing a corruptor with your muta harass is they're slow as hell. Corruptors should have some sort of ability where they "corrupt" an air unit latching onto it and immobilizing it. If the unit is over ground it will ground the unit and the corruptor.