I'd like to control two races at one time (for testing purposes) I've used the editor and can get player 1 units and computer, hostile and neutral units to appear but as soon as I place player 1 and 2 units down and have both players properties set to User controlled Player 2's units don't show up. what gives? I've seen commentators do this and I'd like to give it a try. I hear this is the place to ask. You guys are legendary. thanks in advance, Eric
Yup I can. but then they won't attack each other. I'd like them to be hostile to one another. So I can test different stuff while simultaneously controlling both sets of units that are hostile to each other.
If you want them to attack each other, there might be an option for this somewhere, but otherwise you might be able to setup a trigger in a neutral part of the map that let you select which player to play as.
I've seen a commentator on Youtube have control over both sets of units that are hostile to each other. Its very useful because you can micro both around. Its great for testing etc. He has only a basic understanding of the editor. I've tried to get a hold of him with no luck. Not like you guys. You guys rock. You have quite the community here.
Maybe someone else knows. Otherwise, you could try messing with the triggers, I'm sure there's a switch players trigger, maybe you could even hot key it.