Im 1st in my bronze league as is my mate in another league and he's been 1st for about 3 weeks when do you actually get placed in the higher leagues or do you have to remain top for a very long time ?
You will get changed according to your win/loss ratio, or more precisely, who you win against. If you win against silver/gold players, you will get promoted, while if you only win against bronze, you wont get promoted. There have also been some bugs with people being stuck in leagues, but short thing is - play better, move up.
Ya: I started in silver league. I then played a match against silver player, 3 against platinum and 1 against gold league player. I got promoted right away. Only 5 matches played but because I won all of em and most of them where against platinum and gold league players, i got promoted.
I dont think the above is true.... Im stucked in bronze... My last 17 1v1 games are as ff, I played 12 platinum players, 3 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze... I beat 8 plat, 2 gold and the silver/bronze... Im #1 in my division but havent been promoted... my standing is 29-14, total points is 900+.... I even beat a diamond but custom game so it doesnt count... Im not sure why im stucked in bronze... I dont know where to air my query. just played my first 1v1 today, guess what... they gave me a diamond player... and i beat him... still bronze though... wtf... record now is 30-15 next opponent- diamond again... unfortunately I lost
You have 900+ points with only a 29-14 record? That's interesting. In either case though, nobody knows how the ladder rating system really works. I'm not sure there is any point in airing your query anywhere because it is either working as intended or it is likely a systemic problem they already know about and not something they plan on fixing on an individual basis. But the official SC forums would be a good place to start if you want to ask. edit: You might want to note the other people close to you in your division, their points, and whether or not they move out of the division. It will give you a better idea if it is some sort of problem making you stuck, or just how the system works right now. Also please let us know what your point total is the night before you move up a division. Just curious.
That's not going to give me the people around you though, which is the relevant query (i.e. how/are your peers advancing).
the one im always neck to neck w/ has a record of 80-60... i checked his opponents mostly gold and silver... he has 970 points
Alright, follow up questions: 1) Is there anyone in your division with more than 1000 points and a record that seems to justify moving up. 2) Are they still there on Tuesday? I'm wondering if Blizzard imposed some sort of limitation after your initial placement where you need X number of points to advance, and not just an amazing win streak.