Does anyone whether: 1) An exclusive Marine ingame mode of Tychus Findlayl will be given to the Terran player during the campaign? 2) Blizzard will introduce any new heroes that can be used throughout the Terran campaign and beyond aside from Raynor/Hyperion and Tychus Findlay? 3) WIll Zeratul appear as a usable character in WoL missions or just another cinematic exclusive character? Please provide youtube links or articles concerning the above if available. Many thanks.
Basic logic tells me that they will have in game hero models for all the main hero's. I suggest you play some games that are not 11 years old before asking such obvious questions!
1) Yes. 2) Probably. Blizzard said they're considering making models of characters, like Matt Horner, who won't be in the missions. (Horner will only be in the Story Space and cinematics.) 3) There will be a mini-campaign based on Zeratul in the Wings of Liberty product, but he (probably) won't be in the Wings of Liberty campaign itself.
We've already seen Zera and Jimmeh models on some screens, remember the whole competition about find Jim? Well, it was like finding wally, you just saw a Jimmeh Raynor model and a Zeratul trapped in a cage. And I think it's pretty probable he's on tha campaign at least for a couple of missions. And even if he's not, he's gonna be available @ the Map ed 4 shure
We've even seen Rory Swann models, and he probably won't be a hero in the actual campaign (only a non-combat character). Which gives me hope that models for characters like Matt Horner and Ariel Hanson will be available, for when I make a "raid inside the Hyperion" mission or something like that.
*Face palm* Blizzard devs said that they were not the in game models. Comeon, they were terrible, i cant believe some of you here, its ACTUALLY as if you have no idea about the current average and whats to be expected from games in this day and age.
Not really, in case you haven't noticed, the Hyperion model is based off an up sized terran battle cruiser - Source from Starcraft Wiki; The Hyperion appeared in Wings of Liberty as a special battlecruiser (larger than the normal unit) at the end of the third mission, rescuing Raynor's Raiders from a swarm of zerg on Mar Sara and using the Plasma Torpedo ability. Despite being a Behemoth-class battlecruiser, it uses the unit render of a Minotaur- or Hercules-class battlecruiser. So it's not surprising that Blizz will do something similar with some of it's heroes. So it's not that obvious if you observe carefully. Edit; I like the idea of having a mission that's solely on the hyperion. That would be fun actually. Though i hope the interior would be something like fallout series, not the original 'installation' tile set seen in SC1.
Erh, no, just because they recycle on other units doesnt mean they will recycle on the hero's. Jim raynor for example is essential to the storyline, he is iconographic for WoL. You're wondering how this is different from the Hyperion? Because Raynor will be used in game far far more than a hyperion model, the player plays AS raynor in Starcraft 2, not having him on the map is foolish. Not having a bad ass model with animations for his hero abilities would be even more so foolish. Especially when games like wc3 even knew this. Again - i repeat myself, warcraft 3, red alert 3, command and conquer, they all have seperate models for their hero's, play some RTS's other than the original starcraft before you ask such questions ;/
Not to argue with you rena, cause I would love that too, but maybe, just maybe, Jimmeh's turned into some kind of strategist, taking him away from the frontline... Neh, nvm me
Blizzard said they won't be using heroes much in the campaign missions (Boo hiss!) but Raynor will be there in at least some of the missions. I hope we get a choice as to whether we want light infantry/ranger, marine or vulture. I'd be ticked if he was a vulture in most missions.