Computer AI

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by JDarque, Aug 2, 2010.

Computer AI

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by JDarque, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. JDarque

    JDarque New Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    (ok, I searched, did not see anything on it, if this is also wrong place to post, please relocate to correct location, thanks.)

    Ok, to start with, my computer is old, it sucks, so I am limited to single player gameplay for a few months (I did do some PvP during Beta, I had the Beta, and put it on a friends computer so I could try out the game...I love it....better, since I have been waiting on it for what, 10-11 years now?)


    What advantages does the computer AI have? I mean, in SC1 and BW, I could easily tackle 3 computers against me on any map, on maps like fastest or BGH, I could tackle a 1v7.

    Here, I cannot tackle a 1v1 with the comp on insane...I can do it...barely...with the comp on hard

    I know that no human can micro as well as a computer. I know that the 'AI' is just programming, statistics, chances, and set patterns.

    But, does the computer get an advantage on units costing less, or being able to mine faster/more or anything else that a human player does not get?

    I do have to give Blizzard props on this new AI though, I love how it retreats if it is going to lose the fight to save units, or how it attacks the SCVs that keeping the bunker alive, supply depot defenses don't work at all now unfortunately....found that one out the hard way.

    So, do I just suck this badly against the computer in SC2, or does it have some tricks up it's sleeve?
  2. Erika

    Erika Guest

    I can do 1v7 against AI insane for sc2, however, i have to be terran, and they all have to be zerg. It's the only way I can do it so far. basically, the first thing I build is a command center at the ramp, then a refinery, then a engineering bay followed by a barracks both beside the command center, then get that command center upgraded to fortress. theres little margerine for error because about 5 seconds after its done upgrading, you have all 7 zerg already attacking, and you need ALL scv's to repair it to fend off first wave.

    Once they back off, go back to mining, and get a factory ASAP and pump out only tanks. after 8 tanks, get about 8 turrets for mutalisks, then get about 22-24 more tanks, and even 7 zerg wont be able to break you after that.

    To expand to another base, you need 2 command centers and 2 starports, drop ships, and about 14 tanks and 10+ scvs, you have to move fast, everything needs to land at once and start upgrading the command centers to planetary fortresses for defence because they'll always attack your new expansion. once the wall is setup with tanks and scvs to repair, bring it a orbital command and get minging and get more tanks. save 10 population 190/200 for ghosts, you need 5 ghosts and 5 nuke silo's to win the game.

    Basically, after about 25 minutes, or about 30 attack waves on your base, the AI altogether stops attacking you. Just go around with 5 ghosts, land on their MAIN base, where their minerals are (they dont have spine crawlers there) and nuke all 5 at once. Their army wont come to you once you nuke, they run away. do that to each of the 7 players, and they wont rebuild any of their structures. then kill offf the remainder of their armies, and its over.

    Only way I know how to kill 7 AI Insane for sc2 >.< cant do it with toss or zerg