So people, start requesting! I would like to see some zerg base screenshots, but I guess I'll have to wait until they're revealed.
i would like to see some screenshots of the Nulifier and the Marauder....AND the Jackal. i wanna see them in action and (in nulifiers case) their spells.
i wanna see the new zerg units. zerg buildings. terran maruder and jackal. predator. tychus in game or any other hero. and so on. ^^
I'd like a screenshot of: - a BC selected after 1 psi storm - the Nullifier, of course - energy consumption of anti-grav and force field in the current build - a unit being anti-grav'd - a building being anti-grav'd - all the available upgrades in the Cybernetics Core - army of Ultralisks in several different angles - a closeup of the Zergling (using the game engine, not some image editor on a screenshot)
Nullifier, Marauder, Jackal, a high HP unit after being hit with one Baneling, and pretty much everything else Kuvasz said. 4 more days...anyone else getting really impatient?
-A Jackal firing at a mineral patch full of workers. -Anti-gravity -Zealots v Zerglings v Marines -Stalkers v Hydralisks v Vikings -Phoenix v Mutalisks v Vikings -Before and after shots, e.g. before the Zealot rush, after the Zealot rush.
Some action shots of that Roach unit. We want to see what it can do Blizzard! It's just a big Zergling with a high regeneration rate at the moment, that's just lame.
Roach and Corrupter need to be explained, which Screenshots can do, you know: A picture says more than 1000 words!