just thought i'd make a little topic about fan wow comics and the blizzard fan art program link to the art is: http://www.blizzard.com/us/inblizz/fanart/ScreenShot.html link to the comics is: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/community/comics/gallery.html#297 first on the art: the orc cook, tyrael and the titans battling yogg'saron are amazing, especially the last one, looks incredibly epic. the last few comics are kinda meh, the one with arthas casting turn evil is kinda funny(for a pun), the one with Arthas and Azshara is a little funny, but the only real funny one(IMO) is with the trolls trying to kiss and a slightly older one: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/community/comics/gallery.html#282
It looks like they don't have nearly enough WoW fanart. Seriously, nothing but SC and Diablo on every frikkin' page. /sarcasm
3 new fanarts, 2 of them are pretty but lack substance, but the third http://www.blizzard.com/us/inblizz/fanart/ScreenShot.html#1.819-16 would be awesome as a cover for something WotLK related