hi guys ! recently i played a 1v1 and my opponent got some colossus and stuff and when i wiped out allmost all of his forces he still had a clossus left on the cliff but i couldn't attack it with my ultralisks even though i had vision and all that stuff.... so i tried to send an ultralisk out on the other side of the cliff and i still couldn't attack the colossus wtf? xD so i had ultralisks on both sides of the cliff but i couldn't attack the colossus that were standing right on the cliff ....... well thats just unfair xD allthough he did indeed move his colossus away from the cliff for some wierd reason to get in range of my ultralisks and then i killed it xD i do have the replay but its 39 min. long and i didn't think you'd need it so....... but have you seen this before? i really think its unfair xD but nevermind i did win the match so it didn't matter
sure but i only had ultralisks at that moment.... and some lings -.- i dont know if it could be a problem or not...... but it seems like a bug to me that needs to be fixed ^^
Your melee units couldn't hit the colossus? If it was up on the cliff, they shouldn't be able to... Ranged units can shoot, but a melee unit can't punch up a clif even if it does have sight.... The way you descrivbe it the colossus went up the cliff, and you couldn't melee it. Which is how cliffs work. Then it stepped down onto the same level as you and you could kill it. With your melee units. This game is 3D you know. If you were saying that the colossus was stuck in the cliff face, then ok, that sounds like it sucks. It could have just been out of range of the melee - which map was it?
omg -.- you dont understand what im trying to tell you...... obviously melee units cant hit units on a cliff im not that dumb..... but i was having units on BOTH SIDES of the cliff at the same time and i still couldn't hit it while it was stading on the cliff.. it was on Lost Temple btw..... i might be able to get a video showing what i mean more directly later
Post the replay and let us know the approx. time stamp. If it is a bug you should report it to blizzard. They might also take the replay too, I'm not sure. Question: Was the collusi able to attack your units?
yes the colossus was able to attack my ultralisks while standing on the cliff and my ultralisks couldn't fight back... ive tried this on a test map with 1 colossus and i was able to place it right on the cliff and same result happend so it is possible to do in any map i guess. But even though i made it "hold position" after a while it suddenly just moved a bit on the cliff and got ownd in seconds but the ultralisks... i dont know why that happend. well i haven't tried it with lings or zealots yet so maybe its just ultralisks *meh* btw how do you guys think i should record it? ill probably just record it with fraps but if you have any other suggestions then you may tell me thanks ^^
This is definitely a bug, I've seen it reported already but its pretty minor so I doubt they'll fix it anytime soon.
Okay you evil guys At this very moment I am currently uploading a video to proof the existence of this horrible bug!!!111!!!!one!!1!one!? BUT this ugly video requires more than god damn 400 mega-bytes of f*cking disk-space so it'll take a while untill i can show it to you ^^ As Im writing this text the video is currently 9 % done uploading ._. EDIT - Yay its finally done so eerhm... am i allowed to post links here in this forum? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkpsfY3cAvc
I really don't see what the big deal is. If the protoss player is using the bug or using the cliff to thier advantage by microing well. Just get air units and back off your ground units.
hmm... yeah i actually did that and maybe thats why i won the game but the protoss also had a lot of anti air and i had to sacrifise all of my mutas to save my base once so thats why i didn't have any units to attack it and if i really had some hydralisks they would probably just get melted away by the colossus. i just think its unfair that the protoss can have such an advantage!
It does seem like a bug but i don't think it would seriously affect any game... It's quite rare to have both sides of a cliff covered by melee units to beat a colossus, plus air and ranged units still attack it like normal... I wonder what the visibility is though... Can you see the colossus from the low ground or do you need high ground vision for that spot?
Oh... I bet your just saying that 'cause your protoss! >.< (or not...) but i dont know about the vision... i guess i didn't really think of that
They should fix it, and if Blizzard knows about it, they will fix it. I mean; they even fixed a bug where ultras couldn't attack a line of sensor towers (which isn't a very popular strat, i think?). You should move this to the bug report section. Maybe Blizz will take a look at it, and fix it in their newest patch