Do we have an official clan war team? If so who are the members... If we don't I'd like to point out that Boss and myself are what I guess I'll call Tier 1 compared to other members of the clan, I'm not saying we're the only ones though, don't get me wrong, it's just neither of us are on what's known as the 'low money team'... If we don't, we should definitely make an official team consisting of our top 5 or so players, maybe the people who come in the top standings of our tourney will automatically make the team and then we'll have tryouts for the team for new members in the future?
I agree Nster, we will definatly compse of a Non money Clan War Team. We will take the 1st and 2nd place winners as the first two members. Officially, we dont have a team becuase everyone is on at different times. And we had two teams, Non money and fastest, and we used them to play in clan wars. Perhaps you could talk to Methling[E] about it or something. Soon i will be contacting another clan for a friendly clan war after our tourney has completed or sooner.
We dont have an "Offical" team usally the higher ranks that know about the war pick the people that they feel are best for that war.
I think we should get a team together, that way the members are recognized for their abilities etc. and other members know who to go to to get help etc.
Um, lets do this then? Why are we just talking about it on the forums, talk about it in the channel. I may not 1v1 alot of people in the Clan but I do play alot on ICCup and Europe. NrG)/MgZ On Europe. If you want to make a ****ing Clan War team just ask me and I know alot of Clan's or 'Teams' that we can Cw.