Reformed clan geno. We are currently looking for good starcraft broodwar players. we are ranking nicely! USEast: Clan GeNx Site: enter site to see the clan site forums under construction atm.
No, this is Clan Related Talk, Clans are allowed to post here their clan. Clan Geno and Clan Emp are allies, and have been since.......... ever
never heard of them. i think the idea of "allies" is kinda dumb, but if they are chill, all good. 12:37:31.30 | Users in channel clan genx: 12:37:31.32 | [GEN.OCIDE], Dimentio. maybes thats why
lol, right now im experiencing an ipban. I'll be back. usually when im on the channel and clan is always full and ready to go. We don't believe in multiple leaders and stuff so i basicly control the main channels. We have clan geno @ east clan genx @ east clan genx @ west soon... Geno @west were not moving to asia/europe until we move out of other bnet related games. Shadow is my buddy, i think since both geno's and empires existance we've always been cool. Granted my clan is mostly silent because we tend isolate ourselves from drama and such that clutters the servers 24/7. We've become much more public within the past year or so. proof: allies to genocide are always welcomed to chill.