You better let others know about the tourney, registration closes tonight @ 10 or 11 PM. Please let opthers know, No exceptions.
Brownman its already on the clan site, you guys who failed to see the idle messed "CLAN TOURNEY SIGN UP ON FORUMS" must really look hard next month. The idle was idle for the whole month. So no late commers, but there will be a tourney next month for fastest.
Shouldn't there be a tourney for low money every month? Not just low money, fastest, then low money, fastest etc.
Well, we are experimenting with this tourney first. When the Administration can coordinate something with the leadership panel according to scheduales and the way we set things up and FUNDING for prizes, then we will be able to set multiple tournies a month. On a personal note nster: You should definatly get out there and recruit, since you want the need for more non money gamers, you should atleast try to recruit one non money gamer a day or one every week. Just a suggestion.
I do try, but I always rape them and they leave the game. Most of them are like 100 APM anyway which is bleh.