Does any body have Sid Meir's Civilaztion 4? Here you can post secrets and glitches. If you have a great person(Great prophet, a Great Artist, a Great Enigener e.t.c.) Hold Shift down and click the upgrade buttons to get a few technoligies and special buildings in your cities. ;D
Civ4 is an outstanding TBS game. The only reason I'm even here is that I've played Civ so long I wanted to play something different for a while, and after hearing alot about SC2, I decided to go back to SC and WC3 for now.
Civ 4 is REALLY fun when you rig nukes to wipe out cities. BURN IN A SYMPHONY OF FLAMES, WORLD, BURN!
Its not for everyone. I find that the people who mainly watch mythbusters tend to like it, while the people who mainly watch football. BOCTAOE.
Civ4 has an outstanding singleplayer mode. Yes, it requires more thought to play, but that's what drew me to it in the first place. Each game is unique, and there is more than one way to win, spaceship victory, culture victory, diplomatic victory, as well as dominiation and conquest. The game has depth!