Hey there! I bought starcraft 2 awhile ago and ran it on my parents computer. It was a bit choppy and I knew it wasnt a great computer so I didn't care initially as I knew what iI was getting myself into. However, It's my laptop I was planning on using most, which I thought was a better unit in terms of graphics cards and whatnot as its much more new. I'm having a lot of choppy gameplay though. It started off with me being told my graphics driver may not be supported, so I upgraded it to a Nvidia GeForce 7150 (best i could find for free for my computer) but its still being choppy, even offline, leading me to believe its not just server latency. Is there any way I can go about fixing this problem other than buying expensive graphics cards? Or am I going to have to take the game back simply because of its high system requirements? I'll provide you guys with as much info as I can, but I'm litterally just gonna copy paste it off my system info, i know know what 99% of this stuff is/means, so don't epect me to know how to answer any further questions ): I don't even know whats considered good/bad D: Its an HP pavilion dc9700 laptop Processor is an AMD turion 64 X2 2.00 GHz 3 Gigs of ram and my current graphics card is a Nvidia GeForce 7150. I'dd really appreciate any form of detailed responses I can get for this, as I was super excited to get this game, and its such a tease to have it only work poorly. Thanks guys!
You Geforce 7150 is most likely too slow to run the game, since it is only about half as capable as the Geforce 6600, which is listed as the minimum hardware requirement for the game. Basically, any graphics card better or equal than the 6xxx generation with a "6" or better as the second digit will work. Anything below is too slow. Short explanation: The first digit is the GPU generation, the second digit is the performance rating. A Geforce 6600 is a medium performance card (6 in 2nd digit) in the 6th generation (1st digit), while the 7150 is 7th generation, but only absolute low/basic entry performance (1 on 2nd digit). Please do not provide incorrect information....
ah ok. Would a 6900 be better than say the 7150 I have? also, is there anywhere I could get the drivers? the only site I found was the manufacturer for my laptop's support site, where only 3 are available, none of which are "GeForce" which are the only nVdia drivers the blizzard site says it supports.
a 6900 would be a milion times better.. but if you were paying money for it, you can get cards that are soooo much better for the money. If its free, then yeah, take it for now. lol
That was just an example to see if i understood what the numbers meant haha. I don't particularly wanna pay for one, seeing as i'dd simply be buying it for starcraft.
Oh yeah exactly I totally knew that =P Also, I just tried running starcraft again, its even slower now, even when playing offline. Nothing running either, this laptop just got reformatted. Bleh, fried graphics card or something? This is so frusterating when im too computer stupid to deal with myself, I appreciate the help
Guys, the GeForce 7150 is an integrated graphics chipset not a dedicated video card. That's why you're having so much trouble running the game. StarCraft 2 requires 128MB of dedicated video memory. Since your card shares memory and processing power with your processor, it doesn't have ANY dedicated video memory. Unfortunately I don't think there's a lot that you can do other than lower your settings as far as they can go, not run anything else, and pray. Or upgrade your card which sounds like a stretch for you. :-\
So essentially the game won't work, even though I apparently met all the minimums? Stellar. So on one end i need a vid card, and on the other I can't get 'em for my laptop, so im basically completely skrewed hey? thats.... pretty retarded. Is this one of those things blizzard will be fixing or purely bad luck on my end? Otherwise thats slightly upsetting after I paid money for this D:
Bad luck on your part. Consider this, so-called gaming laptops can't hold a candle to their similarly-priced desktop counterparts. What more of a laptop not specifically designed for gaming? Not really going to put the blame on Blizzard for this one. You should have researched the system requirements before buying the game.
This actuall can't be fixed. Integrated graphics chips like yours are simply not designed to run 3D games. Their job is to display office contents, websites in a browser, or DVD videos. But the hardware is not capable to render complex 3D graphics, which is essentially what a game like Starcraft consists of...
The ridiculousness is that companies like Acer can sell these as "gaming" laptops when they're selling you an integrated card. Almost every game on the market requires at least 64 MB of dedicated memory, which means integrated chipsets are relegated (for now) to processing HD video. So it's a scam, essentially. Just because a system can run Oregon Trail doesn't mean it is a gaming system. Always demand a dedicated card!
If only nVidia's newest hybrid SLI would catch on more. The 3rd gen can have two GPUs connected only via software, like an Intel built in and a nVidia, and switch between the two seeminglessly. So you can have your power saving laptop and power hungry graphics too. I hope ATI plays catch up though. They've been making the less power hungry cards lately, and that is my desire...
You mean Optimus? I'm seeing it on more laptops. I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes standard in a few years time.
Strange. I did research it, and ran that can you run it website or whatever, which said I could. I just didnt know that "dedicated" memory was something different. Blame my computer illeteracy+the guy who sold me this laptop+my lack of suspicion considering it ran Warcraft 3 and other similar games just fine. Thats just messed. Next stop ebay I suppose.