Here are the Q&A that Karune answers about the screenshots: 1. What is the mysterious turret that is in the screenshot that has yet to be revealed? We've seen this before.... can you tell us what's behind this? Also, does the Firebat have any special abilities for instance one that makes a wall of fire and is channeled? Is there anything fresh that we haven't seen for the firebat? The turrets are dropped by the Nomad (using energy), acting as decent defenses, and even better harassment, if used by a skilled player. The Firebats are back with the same fire loving attitude, but with added Hit Points to help them get real close to their enemies. Firebats also must be produced from the Factory rather than the Barracks from the original StarCraft, since their suits are larger and able to sustain more enemy fire. 2. what are the colossus shooting at in screenshot 1??? The Protoss Colossi are attempting to destroy the rocks blocking the Protoss forces from advancing up the ramp. 3. About the force field, it is channeled? if so how long does it last, and what exactly it does, I mean you can't pass through it or it acts as a barrier or something... The Force Field is currently an instant cast, costing energy from the Protoss High Templar. This Force Field prevents all units from passing its perimeter. 4. In pic2, the High Templars (which look awesome, btw) appear to have an attack coming from their hands. Do they now have an attack of their own, or are they channeling the barrier spell? We are currently experimenting with giving the High Templars a standard attack, just enough to keep him out of trouble, but not actually powerful enough where you would want to use them as an offensive attack unit. The High Templar's primary role is still to be a caster of special abilities. 5. does the time bomb slow attacks like the collosus' thermal lances or warp ray's prismatic beam? Nope. 6. Nice, so we're getting more destructible interaction. So are destructibles attackable by all units or just high damage units like SeigeTank/Colossus? Can you click on the rocks and stuff to see their HP or anything? As I see there is likely to be many questions involving these screenshots, lets try to keep away from questions about answers I give to questions on this thread - or surely this will be a never ending thread! Don't worry we'll have more in the future. The rocks will have viewable Hit Points and can be destroyed by all units. In some maps, this type of environmental interaction could allow access to both 'secret expansion locations' as well as 'secret paths' to an enemy's base. Knowing the maps well will be crucial to the strategy involved in multiplayer skirmishes. 7. but... wait, force field wasnt moved from high templar to stasis orb, and hallucination come back to he? Over the past month and coming months, there will be a many ability swaps. From week to week, it could change significantly. Nonetheless, I'll try my best to keep you guys updated. At this very moment, the Twillight Archon is being tested with some of the original StarCraft High Templar abilities. 8. Is it possible to guide Firebats fire just like Colossus Thermal Lance? The flame attack by the Firebats are currently the same as the original StarCraft. 9. Excellent question, I surely hope firebats can actually fit in a bunker now... They do nothing like watching those flames from a Bunker...keeping them Zerglings at bay. 10. Thanks for chatting with us about the shots Karune, now for my question: What IS the large green thing in screenshot 2? It is our homage to the 'Man of Steel' 11. Since firebats are now from the factory, are they still considered as infantry? Can medics heal them? or do SCV's repair them? or what? Also, since firebats look much bigger now, do they take up one or two slots in transports or bunkers? Firebats are still healed by Medics. If I was a Firebat, I don't think I'd want it any other way. 12. What is the building in the second screen shot, bottom right? There seems to be a probe right beside it and it is located just right of a phase prism, and right of a nexus. Looks kind of Xel naga, or am I wrong? That is an observation post which you can man, to gain a greater sight range around that post. I'll keep this updated... Bonus 200 minerals for a great post
This part bugs me. He never answered on how many slots they will take up in bunkers/dropships.... But my guess is 2, they are about twice the size of a marine. But you never know.
Wow, this is amazing, so much interesting info. Especially about the firebat. I like now he is so large, you can really tell the difference between all the infantry. However, what happened to Karune? Was he abducted or did someone drug him? Whoever it was, keep it up, we might to get to see Zerg soon if this keeps up.
I am not pleased with some of these changes. Abilities for archons isn't such a bad idea but I'm not liking how the terran mech and air forces are shaping up. I still think the terran need a AA splash air unit to be built from the Starport and to have the Viking go back to the factory. If they are having firebats fill the open slot in the factory I will be quite annoyed. Also, I think the firebats, if they are to be brought back, need some sort of ability.
I don't think they need one, other than stim pack. Of course, I could change my mind if the ability is original and fun, but right now, almost every Terran unit features one or more ability. It's getting messy, especially since Ghost and Nomad have 3-5 each. There is about 2 abilities per Terran unit.
The Ghost and Nomad are considered to be casters, and casters always have more than one ability. There's nothing unusual to that.
Firebats are definitely not vehicles! Why should they be produced in the factory? Aren't Marines, Medics, and Ghosts armed and equipped inside the Barracks?! Why?! OH WHY BLIZZARD?!
Because they have very hard and complicated armor. But still I think they should be built from barracks.
They must have put it in the Factory due to its new power, I guess. Building it in Barracks was perhaps hard to balance out. That way there would have been 4 Rax units and only 2 Factory units. Also, now that they are in the Factory, It does'nt require an add-on or any other building to be produced (I guess). Also, if it was built in the rax, it would'nt benefit from the Nuclear Reactor.