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Welcome! You have entered [Lounge] at 4:56 pm [ijffdrie] 4:56 pm: yo [] 4:56 pm: hi [ijffdrie] 4:57 pm: how're ya doin? [] 4:57 pm: not that good [] 4:57 pm: I had horrible nightmares [ijffdrie] 4:58 pm: sounds.... horrible [] 4:58 pm: rated X for extreme [] 4:59 pm: and since my imagination is so detailed everything feels so real to me, like a real memory [ijffdrie] 4:59 pm: i know how that feels [ijffdrie] 5:00 pm: so, was it a knife torture dream? [Lounge]: wanglinet has entered at 5:02 pm [] 5:02 pm: hello there new guy [wanglinet] 5:02 pm: 没有中文。 [] 5:03 pm: is not surprised [wanglinet] 5:04 pm: 可惜我只能靠g.cn来翻译了。 [] 5:04 pm: no drie, it was not a knife torture dream [] 5:04 pm: it was much worse [wanglinet] 5:05 pm: drie? 什么东西? [Lounge]: Light has entered at 5:06 pm [] 5:06 pm: hello Light [Light] 5:06 pm: hey ximni [ijffdrie] 5:07 pm: yo [Light] 5:07 pm: jiffre [ijffdrie] 5:07 pm: i dont speak chinese wang [ijffdrie] 5:07 pm: but drie means three in my native language, an ijff is my last name [ijffdrie] 5:08 pm: it was the name of my WoW character [ijffdrie] 5:08 pm: so have you been GM? [Light] 5:08 pm: I better change my flag.. [Light] 5:08 pm: I have been what? [ijffdrie] 5:08 pm: how are ya? [wanglinet] 5:09 pm: 我旁观 [Light] 5:09 pm: mkae [Light] 5:09 pm: omg he's after my brainz [ijffdrie] 5:10 pm: yo wang, do you have a english keyboard as well? we can only see ching-chong letters [ijffdrie] 5:10 pm: i made a new pic by the way [Light] 5:10 pm: 幸会 [Light] 5:11 pm: thats all I can say I guess XP [] 5:11 pm: is that a good thing or a bad thing? [wanglinet] 5:11 pm: 对不起,我英文很烂的。 [Light] 5:11 pm: I gotta translate this =/ [wanglinet] 5:11 pm: sorry, I can't say english. [ijffdrie] 5:12 pm: oh [] 5:12 pm: lol [ijffdrie] 5:12 pm: that sucks=bad [wanglinet] 5:12 pm: -0- [Light] 5:12 pm: ha [Light] 5:12 pm: I got it [Light] 5:12 pm: he says his english is very rotten [ijffdrie] 5:13 pm: 我的名字是ramses ijff [Light] 5:13 pm: loves the internets [wanglinet] 5:13 pm: rely on google [Light] 5:13 pm: indeed [Light] 5:13 pm: :3 [] 5:13 pm: that is ok, as long as we have a small chanse to understand [ijffdrie] 5:13 pm: drie意味三在我的語言 [Light] 5:14 pm: I love this lol [Light] 5:14 pm: I wish I knew chinese [wanglinet] 5:14 pm: i would like to learn english [Light] 5:15 pm: its not as hard as chinese ^ ^ [] 5:15 pm: I would like to learn chinese [Light] 5:15 pm: I am from russia though [ijffdrie] 5:15 pm: 它不是一種堅硬語言,不同於漢語或日語 [] 5:15 pm: and japanese and russian and lots of other languages [ijffdrie] 5:15 pm: 您是否瞭解這漢語? [wanglinet] 5:16 pm: o [ijffdrie] 5:16 pm: 您說什麼?