Has anyone figured out how to find the characters in the galaxy editor yet? Like Joe Raynor, Tycus Finley, Infested Kerrigan, etc. I can't seem to find them.
when ur making the map, click on the drop-down menu saying "melee" or something like that, and change it to campaign: "liberty" then just search "Raynor" or "kerrigan" (but i would not advise searching "joe raynor", ur not gonna get any matches.
I'm not sure, but I'm hoping he was able to get to the campaign units. They are indispensable tools for learning.
I figured it out. It was in dependencies. You just add Liberty Campaign and tick the box. One more thing I wanted to know. How do you make your characters talk? I know it is got to do with triggers. I basically want Kerrigan to get to a certain point then say something. I got the "Event" part done and the "condition" part done and the If part of "action" section done. I just not sure which one to select in the "then" part. What is it under? UI, dialogue, Player, game, etc.
Oh, and what is that ability Kerrigan Uses in the Mission "All In" that basically disables and destroys any unit that is targeted?
I am not sure off hand because it is not in the editor off hand but if you load that map in the editor you should be able to check that way.
How can an ability disable AND destroy? Certainly destroying renders the disabling useless. Also, any ability used in the campaign is available in the campaign or melee dependency. You do not have to load that campaign map to find the ability. However, you could play the campaign level and try to figure out the name of the ability. For your earlier question, I still do not know. Look for an argument of a conversation(?) action that is of data type text or string.
Ghosts, man, ghosts If the 250mm strike cannons didnt stun the building, the ghost of a bunker could easily chase u down >+d
Implosion. It disabled an enemy unit for a few seconds, and then kills it. I've never seen it used on a ground unit.
I thought is was that ability because it is not Deep Tunnel or razor swarm. They are Kerrigans 2 other abilities.
You can edit the data so it works on more than mech units. Change target information, and/or validators.
Yeah I notice it is only for mech units. It is better suited for mech units I think. It is a waste of time using it for infantry units like marines or marauders I think. There is Razor Swarm for that.