I just downloaded the game and the screen I see is a log in screen for battlenet. I log in and it closes SCII and opens the patch screen again and does the patch download ALL OVER AGAIN. If I leave it be and don't press "play" it will restart the patch download. It also downloads and installs the patch EVERY single time I open SCII. Also, in the log-in screen, I checked the box that says "Connect Automatically" and so the whole thing is caught in an endless loop. Also, how do you create a character? I just have an account. I also bought my copy electronically from Blizzard.
There isn't a character system. It's just account based. If you bought the game recently, you'll have a TON of patches to catch up with. I got the game a month ago, and it took probably an hours worth of patching time. It will look like it's restarting, but it's just going through the patches.