Change Stasis Orb into 'Reaver-orb'?

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by Eye_Carumba, Aug 13, 2007.

Change Stasis Orb into 'Reaver-orb'?

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by Eye_Carumba, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. Eye_Carumba

    Eye_Carumba New Member

    Aug 4, 2007
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    Ok, this is some crazy idea I just had: what if they mixed the Stasis orb unit with a Reaver?

    As it is now, Stasis orb is a Hydralisk, with marine-like dmg, that compensates it's lesser dmg by slowing enemy units. It has a low range, so it's slowing fx will prolly have a hard time being applied.

    If we mix it to a Reaver, we would get a very long range slowing unit, with capability to pick units apart from incoming invaders' groups, thus messing with the enemy's aproaching speed/strategy. Yet, if we give it a bigger cooldown, just like the reaver, not only the unit separation would work better, but it would sort of balance things out. Having a marine-like dmg surely would enforce it's role as support, and it could even have a new Reaver-like look so that people that miss the Reaver would miss it less. :)

    Having this role, it would work very well with other units such as Colossus, and WarpRays. Not to mention it's wonderful countering of raiding (slowed units cannot enter and leave so easily), and enforcing of it also (slowing pursuiters of YOUR raiders when they're leaving enemies' bases).

    Story-wise: it's said that the Reaver's weren't meant to be battling robots, like the Colossi. Reavers were actually labor robots, adapted to go into battle for the Protoss. Thus, instead of the old Reaver, we could have a new one, yet another adaptation to battlefield, that still looks like the old one but is a new one: the slowing effect unit with very long range, that would take the Stasis orb's place.

    Now, this is all a crazy idea, as I have never even seen the Stasis Orb working. So, what do you guys think of it? Ideas, suggestions? Think this would be unnecessary? Prefer the Stasis Orb, or the Reaver to go?
  2. LimaBeanMage

    LimaBeanMage New Member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    I'm not too sure if people would be happy that the reaver's original purpose was changed. Granted, that is a fair idea but I believe if Blizzard implemented it then they would get equally deafening cry from the community about changing its foundations.

    Beyond that I'm not entirely sure that the Stasis Orb is fully balanced yet. I can imagine a person with good micro can have just a handful wreak havoc on any amount of forces and allow a far inferior force to have an advantage.
  3. GrahamTastic

    GrahamTastic Member

    Jul 31, 2007
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    Hmmm...It could work. I think that it should still be called the Reaver, but the slow-damage thing should be an upgrade. (from the robotics support bay perhaps?) If it meant bringing back the Reaver, then I am all for it. And it will make my avatar happy too. ;)
  4. Eye_Carumba

    Eye_Carumba New Member

    Aug 4, 2007
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    But for it to work, it couldn't be scarabs the ammo. The damage would have to be nerfed, and replaced by the slowing effect, otherwise it wouldn't make sense to slow a unit: you would kill it right away, why slow it?

    So it would have to be a regular shot, long cooldown, and moderate dmg, with a very long range and with the slowing ability. And hitting both air and ground.
  5. Ych

    Ych New Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    You know what, I really love this idea. :powerup:

    To be honest, I want all the races in SC2 to be very distinctive. That means, all 3 races have all their own unique strengths and have nothing in common whatsoever. That is why I was soo supportive of the Mothership original concept :p. But back on topic.

    This Reaver-orb thingy would actually be very unique in that no other races have anything similiar to that. When Blizzard axed the Reavers at BlizzConn, I was one of the people that wasn't too happy about it. But after some thoughts about it, it actually makes some sense because their role kind of overlaps the Colossus (and we know how much cooler then Colossus is compared to the Reavers). Not only that, but after the introduction to the Terrans, it is clear that Blizzard wanted the Terrans to be the best at heavy bombardments. Reavers are bombardment type of units and I think one of the Reasons that Blizzard axed the Reavers was because they don't want the Protoss to have any type of bombardment units like the Terrans. Although the Protoss lack bombardment units, they can make for it with other stuff.

    This Reaver-orb would be a great unit that would make the Protoss the masters of picking units apart. As we know, Protoss units are hard to reproduce because they are expensive and take time. So when they go into battle, they sure damm hell want to win that battle. So with this Reaver Orb, if the enemy wants to flee the battle, it would slow them down and let you pick them all apart. So the enemy has to think twice before they engage a Protoss force. Of course, this Reaver-orb thing won't deal tons of damage like the Reavers. Stasis Orb will build Scrabs that would launch at enemies (range is same as the Reavers) and upon impact, it would deal huge amount of splash damage with minor damage and all the units attack rate and movement rate would be slowed. The rate of fire would also be the same as the Reavers.

    Blizzard stated they are taking out the Reavers but that doesn't mean they are axeing it. They are going to put the Reavers ability on some other unit. Putting it on the Statis Orb is a great idea and combined with the Reavers long range and adding the slow effect while taking out its huge damage, it could prove to become the ultimate Protoss support unit. This unit would also make the Protoss even more distinctive from the other races.

    I fully support this idea.
  6. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    Deep Space
    I really like this idea as well but i would make one change. The unit (whatever you want to call it) should fly because the protoss do really need another flyer to truely become the kings of the air and it would also help a ton with the scarab terrain problem because there wouldnt be any terrain to deal with just air.
  7. WuHT

    WuHT New Member

    May 29, 2007
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    Long range AoE- slow you say ? Could work..but keep in mind that Chase-wise the protoss ALREADY have a blink-shadow hunters.
  8. Ych

    Ych New Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    That's true. I think the Protoss should be the masters of chase-wise tactics. Their units are hard to reproduce so it makes sense that if they are going into battle, they are good at picking apart units that are fleeing from them. Not to mention, Terrans in SC2 has tons of new bombardment units in SC2. (Siege Tanks, Thors, Banshees, Reaper Mines). So it makes sense that Blizzard pushes this route of the Protoss at mastering the art of chase-wise tactic.