When I try to add SC2 to my games on battlenet i receive this error when i put in the cd-key. The following problems have occurred: * The authentication key you entered cannot be claimed. Please try again. Alternatively, click here then browse to a game dashboard and click “Enter CD Key” to try this key for a different region, or try this process again for a different Battle.net account. I am putting in the cd key correctly. Ive done it like 300 times now. What can I do to make this work?
Did you try your key for the correct region? Is the game you received the correct one for your region?
I don't really know what to suggest, sorry. -- battlenet could just be having problems. This is the most likely cause. Repeatedly entering the key is only going to cause you frustration. Try every couple of hours, but more often than this is futile. If problems persist you'll have to ask Blizzard. -- Just because the game was bought in Indiana, doesn't necessarily mean it is the correct one for your region. Suppose there was a mix up with batch numbers. This is unlikely, but possible. -- If the game you purchased was a forgery, you may not be able to tell. This is also unlikely, but possible. Either way, if you have nothing better to do, can you ask the store you bought the game from if anyone else has had authentication problems? Do you know anyone else who bought a game from that store who you can ask if they have had authentication problems?