Cat and Mouse Jungle

Discussion in 'StarCraft Original' started by Darktemplar_L, Aug 1, 2007.

Cat and Mouse Jungle

Discussion in 'StarCraft Original' started by Darktemplar_L, Aug 1, 2007.

  1. Darktemplar_L

    Darktemplar_L New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Bay Area
    Anyone here play it? It's so easy for me. Cat and mouse. When I'm cat I go for the last person to leave my view, and that noob will lead me to everyone else. I never spend over one minute on one person because everyone else will build up stuff. Once I kill three mice, Infested Terrans slip through all spaces and get the mice. I win! As a cat.

    As a mouse, speed is what you need. I first go to the bottom, Nexus block. Get an SCV and mine. Usually the cat goes for me after my first SCV. I run, the cat goes for others. I get second SCV and rebuild base. Third SCV then I get 2 civs to block the spot. Another SCV to mine and 1 SCV builds 4 CC's each covering the civs. Probe makes Photon Cannons, and the Cat cannot get in. Even if he sends Infested Terrans, I'll have so many cannons they cant reach me before the Infested dies.

    So, every Cat n' Mouse jungle Game I play is easy. So is cat n mouse winter. It's easy for me as a mouse and cat. Anyone else as good as me?
  2. DontHate

    DontHate New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Re: Cat n' Mouse Jungle

    okay, well i dont really like cat and mouse, it's very boring if ur cat or mouse.
  3. timedragon888

    timedragon888 New Member

    Jul 30, 2007
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    I usually play as mouse. In cat and mouse jungle, the most important thing is NOT to get SCVs at the start of the game, but to get 2 zerglings! (Notice the cat takes a long time to kill one zergling, they can burrow, and can help you kill your nexus while your mouse runs away) Use the zerglings to block the entrance to your base like mouse holes, and you're safe for the early game. Next, get a few SCVs to help you mine. Get a gateway, forge and cybernetics core within your base. Build a stargate at the entrance to your base (beyond the zerglings) to block the cat. Follow up with lots of cannons. After that, you're as good as won.

    If the cat attacks you, get your probe to run to a safe place, then get one zergling to kill the nexus while the other one burrows. Then the first one runs back to the entrance and burrows too. If you have enough minerals, you can trap the cat inside your base by getting your zerglings to hold position to delay the cat while you rebuild your base.