Hey all, I am posting today to ask for help. I have recently started casting starcraft 2 games, however I have found a problem which is that I cannot draw any attention to my channel. Please advise me on how to make my channel better known or otherwise, simply how to improve the content of my channel. My channel is www.youtube.com/user/c0mmissar1 Please endeavor to give me any form of advice, as me and my clan would appreciate more people watching my casts. Thanks alot Kommissar
Yeah, looks like it's c0mmissar1 He added an extra "a". When I actually take the time to watch some of the games, I'll let you know if I find anything... lacking.
I think it's partially because there are so many starcraft casters already. You have at least to be special to become famous ^^
You again? I keep running into you! You must be my sworn rival or something, lol. Nice job typoing your channel, lol! I do stuff like that too, I just recently posted a game that was a TvZ and I wrote PvZ like a noob.
Hmmm... I usually learn about new casters from VoDs I like from the www.sc2casts.com site, but I see that you're allready on their list of casters and seeing that Santah is probably working on it alone and monitoring a huge amount of casters, your best bet would probably be to be lucky and get your hands on some really cool replays noone else has casted, so you're more likely to get yours viewed by Santah and probably added to the site... A good idea would be to look for korean replays on sites with them like these: http://www.playxp.com/sc2/gosureplays/list.php http://sc2.ygosu.com/sc2_replay/?s_assort=&s_race=&search=&searcht=&page=6 http://www.sc2rep.com/ http://sc2rep.net/ or http://sc2.replays.net/ Best of luck to you! Edit: Some of these sites are actually in korean so you'll have a really hard time identifying the good ones or the known players... Wish you luck with that since I found it hard to look for at some point where I was looking for korean replays and stopped bothering