I got ready, drank red bull pulled out my gaming mouse waited for 30 mins for the patch and BAM can't search for games can't make or join games. after a while I can search for games but can't find anyone. My roommate at the same time is playing against other people on battlenet while at stare at him with jealousy lol ...sign is this happening to everyone else?
Exactly what beta testing is for folks. Work out all the kinks and such like. Word on the street is that it's a regional issue, but that doesn't explain how your roomie be playin. Just keep trying.
Yeah that's what I meant by the Game Is Playing. I, like others, downloaded the huge patch19 several hours ago. The home page still lists "0 games worldwide" but the match-making system is working. Granted, the Placement system is a little buggy since it starts counting down at "2 matches remaining" and you have to go to "-3 games remaining" tp get your five matches done. Based on the small amount of points people have in my current league, I'd say the game has been playable for the last six hours or so as of writing this post.
Can't wait till they restart the EU-Servers....got my new machine up and running (Phenom II X4 965 + ATI HD 5770 PCS+) and am checking every 30 minutes if i can log in ........ Patch is already installed. Maybe tomorrow our servers will be back, too....