Cannot win Against Protoss Contain?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by AutumnLeaves, May 9, 2010.

Cannot win Against Protoss Contain?

  1. AutumnLeaves

    AutumnLeaves Guest

    I've been winning many many games with my fine tuned Terran build order, but I'm having problem with being contained by protoss..

    At the first of the game I do my standard wall-in and have 1 barracks up and I look outside my base to find 2 gateways with 2 zealots ready to attack me. They attack me and I only have 1 marine and they break my wall and I basically lose, just before they attacked I put down 2 more barracks in hopes to pump out more marines but it was just too late. They slaughtered my 2 marines and even if I had more I don't think it would have mattered because he was pumping out more and more zealots.

    How do I counter this?

    Thank you :)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2010
  2. Subversion

    Subversion New Member

    Mar 28, 2010
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    Think you need to adjust your build order..

    I sometimes do a very aggressive marine rush which wins me a lot of games.

    Basically you build SCVs until 12 and then stop producing them for a while. No gas at all.

    Get a depot at 10/11 and a racks at 10/11. Then another rax at 11, then a 3rd one at 12 or 13. Keep pumping marines. As soon as you have 6 or so marines you run off to your opponents base with 2 or 3 SCVs and start putting up a bunker in his base. Rally your marines to his base and just keep producing them.

    This usually finds my opponent extremely poorly defended; I'm just using this as an illustration to show that if you focus on marine production early you shouldn't have a problem fending off a couple of zealots.

    Wall in your base as usual, but worry less about gas and more about getting 'rines out asap. Put a bunker on the high ground by your racks and pull an scv or two off the line to repair the depot while he attacks it. Even with 1 or 2 marines you should be able to fend that off easily.

    If you're not going to rush from there, once the threat as passed feel free to throw down some gas and start teching.
  3. AutumnLeaves

    AutumnLeaves Guest

    Thanks for the reply, I'll definitely try this against future protoss players. :]
  4. Subversion

    Subversion New Member

    Mar 28, 2010
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    good luck, and let us know how it goes :)
  5. AcE_01

    AcE_01 Active Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    or quicky get reapers. zealots hate them. with a little micro zealots 'cant touch this'. *song plays*
  6. NightG

    NightG New Member

    May 5, 2010
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    That isn't a contain, that is a proxy rush, and the way to defeat proxies is to scout them. If he has two Gateways up right outside your base, chrono boosting zealots...then you're probably already dead.

    I usually send my SCV to scout at 12 supply, right as it finishes my first depot. If you see a pylon outside your base, you need to react extremely quickly. If he doesn't have a gateway completed yet, you can pull like 4 SCV's and have them destroy the pylon before he can chrono boost out a zealot. If you don't see a pylon but don't see a gateway in his base you can safely assume he is proxying. You need to pump out marines as quickly as possible, build a bunker behind your wall, and pull SCV's to repair your wall when the zealots attack.

    If you feel that your wall won't hold, even with SCV's repairing, you need to pull as many SCV's as you can to fight. If the zealots focus your SCV's, the marines can shoot freely. If they focus on your marines, kite them and let your SCV's get free attacks.

    tldr: Scout better, practice micro with ranged units against melee.
  7. KHaYMaN

    KHaYMaN New Member

    May 1, 2010
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    How are 2 zealots breaking down a wall? Put some scvs on to repair the damage.
  8. Phoenix

    Phoenix New Member

    Feb 7, 2010
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    2 Zealots cant outdamage one or two scvs repairing. So if you have a wall up, and the proxy is not inside your base, two marines and some scvs can easily hold it.
    If you fend off the first push without losses, you have an easy time afterwards. He will have about 4 probes less than you, no gas and no wall. Quick tech to hellions for haress of his worker line is then a good idea.
  9. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    @ NightG,

    That strategy is an option only for higher level players. Requires a lot of very skillful micro to keep those Marines alive and could result in a loss if you don't do it correctly.

    I would just go with a standard Terran build, following my Terran's Guide to the Universe would be a good start.

    Make sure you scout as has been noted above and you should be able to react well to whatever they throw at you. The mech option is a good idea against Protoss and so is an infantry build supported by Ghost tech. Eventually you're going to need Siege Tanks against a Protoss though.

    Good luck!
  10. NightG

    NightG New Member

    May 5, 2010
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    It's true that it isn't easy but if you have a Protoss who has proxied and broken your wall it is literally the last thing you can do. If you don't do it at that point, it would already result in a loss? Although it's polite to gg when you know you have been beaten, if you think you have a chance then go for it! I think players limit themselves when they put certain strategies and techniques on a pedestal instead of just trying them and taking risks. I learned most of micro when I used to play DotA as a casual player who simply wanted to get better (orb walking, animation canceling, etc).
  11. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    I thought you were talking about sending those Marines on the offensive with the SCVs... my bad :D
  12. Fslb

    Fslb New Member

    May 13, 2010
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    It is worth noting that I have played many games where I thought I was actually behind at points in the game and turned out I was roughly ahead. Playing SC2 and putting in the 100's of hours it takes to truly master strategic gameplay is the experience we are all involved in. It is worth noting how important understanding what micro is and how large of a role it plays in the game for a beginner. I myself have a rough time controlling armies over 100 supply because my brain just hasn't gotten there yet. Early game micro is what separates leagues so far.
  13. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Ima hijack this ****.

    If a P contains you as Z with double gate boosted zealots, then pylon and cannons, do you try to bust or nydus/muta around? I stopped the advancement with crawlers but I went a lame roach/muta thing and he soon outnumbered me with stalkers. Even continuously baiting my 2 queens (for transfusion) and roaches, withering away my make-shift army. He had no expos or a significant number of probes.

    I would've stopped this soon enough if I had pulled my drones off to fight the 2 zealots and probe with 4 lings+queen, but suppose it's too late for that :D
  14. Cheech420

    Cheech420 New Member

    Feb 22, 2011
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    Scout Scout SCOUT!! If for some reason you missed the proxy gate rush. Then micro your marines, run atk, run atk, run atk. Marines outrun zeals without charge anyday.

    Three important rules in SC2
    1. Scout 24/7, know what your opponent is up to.
    2. Micro
    3. Macro

    If your still a nublet which is fine, we were all nublets at one point :), and have a hard time microing, then learn to macro which is far easier then microing in mid to late game. Also learn to scout ALL the time, if your observer gets blown to bits, SON, i dont care if you have no gas, make another observer!! Sacrafice a zealot to the protoss gods if you have to!

    Also keep you APM up.. don't sit there being idle for more then 10 seconds, always do something
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2011
  15. Cheech420

    Cheech420 New Member

    Feb 22, 2011
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    Scout and if you missed the rush coming and barely just scouted them coming up the ramp, pull your drones or use your lings to kill off the probe FIRST, send 1 drone or ling around your area to scout for proxy and use the rest to kill the 2 zealots. I'm not a zerg player, but the one time i tried that strategy the guy just killed my probe, micro'd his drones around, and mass linged and killed me... cuz at that point, i was committed to doing a zeal push and was broke :p
  16. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Thought so but I find it ridiculous to pull drones off into the front line when you usually protect them by moving them away from danger. It's like willingly offering your economy to your opponent. I know they're behind economy so it doesn't matter if I lose drones, but still. I have a hard time accepting what I assume in the situation and I think that caps my skills in the game. I can't deduct things that I should because I always think they're ahead in economy, tech, and army.
  17. Cheech420

    Cheech420 New Member

    Feb 22, 2011
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    Sorry let me rephrase. Pull your drones maybe half or all depending on the situation and kill off the probes while making lings (if you dont have some already). After probe dies send your drones back to mine and use only 1 to scout around and use your lings to kill the zeals. If you already have lings then just use your lings to kill probe then go after the zeals. At this point your opponent would back off, if however, he decides to commit to it, make more lings to keep killing off probes and zeals and slowly transition to roaches. At this point you should be ahead in econ and should be able to kill your opponent.

    I'm not a full time zerg player so i can't remember how much extra larvae your queen gives you, but try making 1 drone and the rest lings/roaches out of the larvae batch. The benefit of zergs is you can resupply your army on the fly!
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2011
  18. Garfed

    Garfed New Member

    Apr 20, 2011
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    This is not a contained, which is a proxy hastily, and proxy way to beat them is to scout. If he has two gateways up outside your base, and promote zealots hour ... then you probably already dead...