Cannot select Shatter the sky

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Fissile, Aug 27, 2010.

Cannot select Shatter the sky

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Fissile, Aug 27, 2010.

  1. Fissile

    Fissile Guest

    OK so I have just completed "Gates of Hell" and wanted to do "Shatter the Sky" mission however when I click on the mission console it is selecting "Belly of the Beast" and never was I provided with the option to select between "Belly of the Beast" or "Shatter the Sky." If I was provided with such an option, most likely I clicked the former and did not realize it. Can someone please tell me when exactly is this option presented. Is it directly after the mission when you destroy the three nydus worms and the cinematic, or is it after you click on the mission console? The general is telling me that I will have to select between the two options, but no option is being given. Am I am just too into this uber game and not seeing the option.. lol? Please tell me quickly I am waiting on a response before I move forward, really do not want to do "Belly of the Beast." Also, if i load "Gates of Hell" from half way through, will I get the option to select again - assuming I have already mistakenly selected "Belly of the Beast" the first time?

    Much appreciated all...
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2010
  2. nechushtan

    nechushtan Guest

    Same here

    I just finished Gates of Hell, and had the same problem. I don't want to do Belly of the Beast, but as soon as I click the mission selection area it starts debriefing me on the mission. I did not notice any selection option as well, and certainly did not choose that mission... Any ideas?
  3. RushSecond

    RushSecond New Member

    May 4, 2010
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    You get to choose after your "launch" the mission from the console. The characters start talking about sabotaging the tunnels, but eventually the general comes up with the idea to attack the zerg flyer nests, and you have to choose.

    The other choice missions act in the exact same way. You launch those missions as "Safe Haven" and "Breakout" when in fact you make a choice that could change the title of the mission to "Haven's Fall" and "Ghost of a Chance", respectively.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2010
  4. nechushtan

    nechushtan Guest

    Silly me...

    Thank you -
    I just logged to post that exactly (after posting yesterday I decided to play anyway)...
    Well, sure made me feel foolish, but at least I got to finish the game. Pretty cool, now just waiting on Civ 5 to come out, try to get some work done in the meantime... :)