So every time I am finished playing the game I go to exit StarCraft 2 and the screen just freezes (picture of a planet and usually a star ship). I have to Ctrl+Alt+Delete to bring up task manager and manually shut down the program. This has happened to me every time since I bought the game and I have played on and off for three days now. If anyone has any insight on this problem please let me know. If you know how to fix it, it would be much appreciated, Thanks! -ProfChaos
Alt tab and close StarCraft 2 that way. This is a known bug and that's the only way I know to get around it for now.
Then you weren't having this bug. Blizzard has confirmed that this is a problem with the game code and this is shown also in the bug reports. Reinstalling does not change game code.
I'm not the only one with this bug? My solution was to just not log out, SC2 has been running for 3 days now
There, there, Jon...I know realizing you aren't untouchable can be a crushing thing...but I'm sure you'll pull through in the end.