hmm i just realized that this asks what is the scariest option. mothership can be the most powerful and may annihilate us in short period of time but somebody may perceive that 24 ruthless zealots are scarier. imagine...
Hmm.... 1. Mothership (INDEPEDENCE DAY.) 2. Ultralisks (Would probably be fairly hard. Specially since their so huge, strong carapace, and large sharp blades.) 3. Archon (If our EMP has the same effects as the Terran's EMP.) 4. Colossi (AIM FOR THEIR LEGS ;D) 5. Battlecruisers(Few RPGS/ATA explosive weapons would probaby take them down, unless....they orbital bombard us...) 6.Carriers(Same for Battlecruisers, except alittle more explosives. 7.Zealots (I believe enough bullets or artillery/jet fighters would pwn them. 8.Hydralisks (Yep, bullets, artillery and well, jet fighters. 9.Marines (I'm pretty sure anything we have can take out marines.)
zealots definately. Think about it, they have energy shields and heavy bullet proof armor, and can outrun alot of vehicles. That means our infantry can't really kill them, it would be hard to track them, and the shields could pretty easily absorb most concussive attacks. Dark Templar and drones weren't on the list though. I think a few drones starting a zerg hive would scare the bejesus out of everybody. Edit: Come to think of it, marines use depleted uranium shells, and STILL have a hard time killing zealots.
"I think a few drones starting a zerg hive would scare the bejesus out of everybody." And instead of blowing it all up before it's finished, we would obviouslt take our time to make tests and stuff -.-
odds are it would go unnoticed until zerglings started, for lack of a better term, zerging a city. On another note, i just got finished watching Cloverfield, it's like starcraft meets blair witch.
A Mothership, OMG that sounds scary... Imaging a big mighty ship that lifts down Zealots shouting: For AIur, En Taro Adun... We would need Boxer to command the whole world to survive just 1 day!
"How good is he?" "Within a minute he commanded 670 people,sir." "And what's so good about that?" "He gave orders to each of them individually."
Seems like you know him! It isnt APM anymore but MCPM (men commanded per minute)! Really, wouldnt you be scared to death if a MS came to earth? "We are the mighty protoss, be ready to see the might of Aiur en Shakuras!"
No, not really *Protoss Mothership arrives at Earth orbit blocking out the Sun, but it's lights illuminate the Earth even better than the old star* MS Commander (apparently LK): "We are the mighty protoss, be ready to see the might of Aiur en Shakuras!" me: Finally, they're gonna get what they deserve...
And then Me: "At this point I'm pretty much the Queen Bitch of the universe." And you are all gonna die... Back to reallity: Ultralisks would be scary too, but roaches wouldnt
It would be funny, Protoss arriving at Earth in secret and finding out Starcraft "This...this...did they forsee the future? And look at that, because of them, the Zerg rampaging through Universe, one of their brethren leading them, even...they have defiled Aiur! Our homeland! We must not let this events come to be! We shall eliminate this threat before it is too late!" *Protoss begin glassing Earth*
That's hilarious ;D,but i think zergling is the scariest thing,imagine they hide under your bed,in your bathtub and pop out tear you apart,that a lot scary than a mothership use PCracker above my house
Define "hiding", 'cause zergling under my bed would rather stand out. What with the bed lifted up 50cm in the air hanging on the back of terryfing bloodthirsty creature
zerglings would be just walking down...talking a stroll in the park..then a zergling just unburrows and f**ks u up hard. zealots would be super scary too. and a mothership.. ultralisk...yes...but