How do you play this buggers? I need some general guidelines like : How many workers to build before i start building a barracks and then what units should i make for a rush and how many? If the rush fails what do i do then? What should be my core army ? ETC Please help cause all i do is fail miserably so far with them
I think it depends on how the enemy plays. i.e.what race? are they going for quick rush? what units they concentrate on?
I personally think that Terran are the worst race to rush. Early Zealot-Stalker or really early lings can do a lot more than squishy marines. If you want a good BO, I suggest you scroll to the top of the page and click on "A Terran's guide to the universe"
@ProtossZealot: i figured out how to play them thanks to a friend of mine. You dont rush with Marines you rush with reapers who do a lot more damage to workers and buildings especially then marines. Right now im playing like this : -reaper rush -prepare turtle up in case that fails -sieges +mauraders for defense. -get ghosts in the mean time -sieges +mauraders/marines + a couples of ghosts and im good to go I dont really go for air forces unless really needed.I find this very effective against any race so far..won 6 out of 10 terran vs other races.
"sieges +mauraders/marines + a couples of ghosts and im good to go" "sieges +mauraders for defense" better hope you can scout. A player such as myself actually has a strong emphasis on air, so what the battle would come down to is this---can your marines kill all of my banshees before my whole army focus fires all of your marines? Just something to consider against any air, mutalisks VR phoenix BL carrier mothership etc. etc. etc. that army composition has that one big weakness that you absolutely cant overlook.