So, the impression I'm getting, is that they want to limit the amount of standard units for multiplayer, for balance purposes obviously, but in the campaign, they're going to be a lot more generous? I mean, on the average campaign stage, will we get the current mix plus vultures, firebats, goliaths and all the old stuff? Cause that would be really awesome... My philosophy with regard to games is... the best choice is more choice!
In videos we've already seen goliaths, firebats and medics. I'm sure we'll see almost every SC1 unit plus some of the ones they scrapped in development of SC2
not to mention the UBERLISK! but yeah, lots of campaign-only units. i want to see the uber-mothership with planet cracker. holy nuts.
ANYTHING is possible in UMS. hell, if i could play dragon ball z in warcraft 3, i'll probably be able to play diablo 3 inside starcraft 2. fact, MAKE IT HAPPEN, mapmakers! get diablo 3 out before blizzard does themselves!
i don`t know about you but as far as i know they really intend to remove those units, in reality they just put these old unit`s for story purposes
From the few campaign videos released, you can see Medics, Goliaths, and some other SC1 units. I expect many if not all SC1 units to make an appearance somewhere.