Hi, all! Being a truly avid SCBW RISK player (the series of UMS maps, that is), I'd like to set up a RISK clan for SC2. Also: I'm searching for a collaborator for a new RISK map that will be for SC2. Entitled RISK: Aeon of Strife, it will address various shortcomings inherent in all RISK maps made to-date, while staying true to the ''feel'' and characteristics of RISK. Potential collaborators should possess the following assets: imagination, and experience playing RISK! No map-making experience is required. If anyone is interested in forming a clan or collaborating on a map, email me at zealot.in.a.tuxedo@hotmail.com. cheers,
It's for SC2, I fail to see how it doesn't belong here. Furthermore, merely suggesting that it ''doesn't belong here'' is not terribly helpful: this is my first post, a post which is related to SC2, and that doesn't seem to fit anywhere else,as far as I can tell. Please do tell me where this should be posted, if I am in error.
You're not. Tychus is sour like that, please pardon him. I can't post anything helpful as I don't even know what RISK is, so... But Muncie gave me an epic :laugh:
Welcome to the Forums! We have an Introduction section under "Social and Other Discussion" Feel free to make one any time As far as this topic belonging here, it's both yes and no. Making maps in SC2 is one thing, but the clan first has to be made in our current SC b.net, so I suppose it could be in the "Starcraft Original" or "Maps and Replays" section.
RISK is a SCBW UMS map loosely based on the boardgame, and it has a bit of a rivalry with the Diplomacy series of UMS maps; Diplomacy players tend to look down on RISK, while RISK players tend to look at Diplomacy and see the irony in it's title: there is very little actual diplomacy to speak of in Starcraft Diplomacy. In fact, RISK games usually have more diplomacy in them, probably seeing how in RISK you can't ally --and there is only one victor. So, when one player gathers considerable power, unofficial alliances are usually made to check that player's influence or break his continent(s). It results in a game of constantly shifting allegiances, much like the Diplomacy boardgame.
Hypocrisy at it's best. Don't forget, kuvasz, we're regulars here and know your posting habits. Don't try to hold grudges against me just because of past feuds. That being said, I read risk for StarCraft: Brood War and assumed this topic was about the maps for the original game; not StarCraft 2. Also, give me a break. If I don't want to be helpful or don't think there's anything to add I shouldn't be expected to. Besides, you're doing all of this waaay to early.
Anyways, sorry for the mistake TC. The topic title made me think you were looking making a topic to find people to play risk with and make a clan for the original StarCraft since that's been happening a lot recently. It was my fault and when you're right you're right.
Anyways, as for the map. SC RISK is pretty good, but I've never been able to win a game at it. I've only played a few games, but my favorite maps are ones that give the players the chance to get back in the game even after they lose all thier territiories.
I was a (rookie) RISK WC3 player. I'm sure I'll get into it again when SC2 rolls around. Welcome to the forum!
What's E? I mean, beside the drug? I was unaware that there actually are RISK clans out there... Thanks for the welcome, Chax! I was a big WC2 fan that never transitioned to WC3: I discovered StarCraft, and have played it ever since it was released. I was working on a pre-alpha RISK map with one fellow, and he mentionned that WC3 RISK is quite different. I may have to purchase WC3. Do you realise that it still costs 24 quid for the full game (expansion included)? That's mad!
Ok this topic is now clean of irrelevant fluff, welcome to the forum tux. (Hopefully the posts after this one will stay on topic)
Hey Tux, you might know me on starcraft as R.I.S.K or on wc3 as Eat.Me.Returns. Risk is my favorite map on both games. I have already attempted to plan a sc2 map with somebody for Risk, but I lost communications with him.
Haha, that someone you were planning a RISK map with was... ME, lol. I've been away in Spain for a while, and free time wasn't something I really had on my hands.... As I mentionned, I really want to make a RISK map that will be taken a bit more seriously by a competitive community, and that uses some of the advanced features of the SC2 map editor; Diplomacy, despite all its flaws, has a strong following, AND attracts competitive players. Now, RISK is very popular... but it also needs superior maps to what is currently offered.
Are You Guys ****in Joking Me Anywayz Im The King Of Risk Li Quan Speaking.. I own Art Of Risk Knights.. And i Made the Risk AOR version im working on much more for Risk.. and this fits everywhere.. Risk is the best ums by far. Anyone Interested in colliding with me especially that tuxedo guy i fired You off An Email. So Write me back Li.Quan@hotmail.com Im Currently Working on Risk Ghost. Risk The Board Game. and Art Of Risk Nights> let me know Peace
sC Risk King HEY MAN Just responding to u hopin u get this msg i wanna unit with u guys Email me at Li.Quan@hotmail.com plus i have a friend that edits maps for sc.
That would be great! I have a dozen or so lads who've expressed interest in a clan... and SC2 is not even released yet. EatMe, we need to finish our map, RISK 2210 AD... Seems like we might be playing this winter, mate. Unfortunately, my computer just died along with all my work... I remember most of it, but I'll have to type everything up again. If anyone else is interested in forming a RISK clan, email me: zealot.in.a.tuxedo@hotmail.com I can hardly wait to see what sort of RISK maps we'll create with the new editor. Gosh, we won't even need that ornery portal between alaska and kamchatka anymore since we'll be able to make maps that ''loop''.