So I finally read the story. Seriously? Chtulhu accidently got beaten by some dude ramming him with a boat?
That's the one where teh cargo ship ran into him right? With the guy who glimpsed Ry'leh through the fog?
He didn't glimpse R'lyeh, he walked on the island itself with five other sailors and coincidently opened chtulhu's tomb/house. Chtulhu gave two people heart attacks out of fear and slashed two with his clothes. One guy escaped with his sanity intact (and 1 insane) on a cargo ship. Realizing Chtulhu swam faster than the ship, they turned around and drove their ship right through Chtulhu's head. Chtulhu regenerated, but for some reason R'lyeh started sinking again and took old 'tulhu with him.
maybe he wanted to make everyone believe he could be beaten so that he could play with everyone the next time he visits?
Ok... So you're allowed to hit the snooze button, but not Cthulhu? Seriously, if you found some annoying animal in your home, wouldn't you want to just close the door and ignore it and hope it went away soon? On a side note: who here hopes that this so called "super moon" will awaken Cthulhu?
Yeah, the ending is a bit disappointing. Overhyped for Lovecraft aswell, i thought 'The Shadow over Innsmouth' was much better.