I am new to Starcraft and was wondering if i should buy Starcraft 1 and then buy Starcraft 2. Or should i just wait for Starcraft 2. all input is helpful!!!
I would definitely recommend buying the first one if you're interested AT ALL in campaign mode. StarCraft has a very rich and in depth story (It IS BLizzard after all), and as such, you'd be totally lost concerning events in SC II. You can buy the original and expansion for like 10 USD these days. As far as other currencies go, I'm not sure.
I would suggest buying SC1, that way not only will you understand what ppl are talking about when they're talking about stuff in SC1, but if you do the campaign, you'll understand why things are as they are now. ie: how kerrigan became infested, why Raynor hates Kerrigan And if you play SC1, you'll understand why it's still popular even though it's over 10 years old.
Have you tried it before? Are you into RTS's? It's one of the best, definitely worth a try, if not a buy. The user interface and graphics are really old but those are the only things you can hold against it.
StarCraft is one of the greatest games of all time. Yes .. You should buy it. And, when I say one of the greatest games of all time I don't mean one of the latest games in a series with the best graphics like most people mean when they say that now .. No .. I mean this game has kept me interested almost daily for the last ten years. I've put more hours into this game than I have in school work
Yeah, definately if you wanna get some kinda heads up on how the game works and such, and it is cheap so do it!
thanks for such quick replies!!! I love rts games and i will soon add starcraft to my collection!! Thanks for all the input!!!
Buy it ! Buy Starcraft 1. And Starcraft : Brood War too. If you start playing the campaign you will want to follow the scenario. This is so big. Just try the game, the first Terran campaign of SC1. Maybe you will need some cheat codes to help you. But the thing is that the camapign prepares you to fight against other players. SC and BW are first multiplayer games. You have to be used to play to this game before playing to SC2. Be used to use shortcut on your keyboard. You can play just in using a mouse but the keyboard is helpful. Actually you can play SC2 without playing to SC1, but it is better to have a look on this first game.
That is so unfair try not to use cheats I did whole thing without them, and I'm noob, so you should be able to Storyline is pretty good
The campaign isn't hard .. it's just time consuming .. which is the only reason I could justify using cheats.
what a great game!!! Right know i am going through Terran campaign!!! I am finding the story line to be very intertaining. the whole thing about the zerg being made by us to be a weapon is a great plot!! The graphic don't bother me atal became i am used to playing old school games!!!
Just read the post about cheating!! I personally hate all cheaters with a burning passion!! Mainly people who cheat at school are the ones the push my buttons. When they ask the dumbest questions that my cat could answer, i just want to hit them with a book and say "wtf!! don't you have a brain?" srry about the cheating rant. but when i comes to games i have to beat it without cheats because cheats take away from the game!!! once again thanks for all the input!!!
Please don't double, use the edit button to add onto your previous post if your the last poster. I wish i was playing through the starcraft campaign for the first time again
< $20 for the Starcraft Battle chest= - StarCraft - StarCraft: Brood War - Little book thingy - Hours of quality fun
I agree with all of the above. And try not to cheat but if you have to, go ahead. You can legitimately beat the level later. An old game now. Mind you in saying that well worth playing still. Only one other game from around that time has lasted as well. No fans like SC but still good to play (I think so).