Bunker Pathways

Discussion in 'Terran' started by mcap, Oct 30, 2007.

Bunker Pathways

Discussion in 'Terran' started by mcap, Oct 30, 2007.

  1. mcap

    mcap Guest

    Been looking at the mobile bunker and while it seems neat, i don't really like it

    here is a much more realistic idea

    have all the bunkers connected by underground passages, and make the men garrisoned in bunkers
    auto-move to where they are needed

    there could be a range on how far they could move based on space between bunkers
    ie two bunkers next to each other are okay, but across the map is a no

    they could automatically fall back upon bunker destruction

    max units in the system equals the number of units the bunker system would normally hold

    A base with ten bunkers covering 4 choke points and 3-4 marine groups could cover them all
    making the bunker a more important defensive device (terran turtling)

    leap frogging bunkers for multiple fall back points to slow enemy swams

    would give the marine the boost he needs for later game

    no stat changes, no boosts for the marines

    just let them move bunker to bunker very quickly in a unseen passage

    make it a teir 3 upgrade

    i think i got all my items there
  2. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    Plus, I think if there's an overflow of marines at the destruction of a bunker, they should obviously be caught in the open.
  3. Tavisman

    Tavisman New Member

    Jul 30, 2007
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    I like the idea. However, there should be some kind of an individual upgrade for the bunker(s). It would cost some minerals, and propably gas too, as the transport mechanism would need gas for fuel. You could connect the bunkers the way you would build nydus canals, but you wouldn´t build a new bunker in the exit point, just choose an existing one.

    Also, there should be a maximum on how many bunkers you can connect to the same bunker, something like 2-4. Of course you can still connect the other bunkers to each other.
  4. The Watcher

    The Watcher Guest

    Brilliant Idea!

    reminds me of gurrila warfare.

    I think the tunnels should be attackable, and if in transit to another bunker the tunnel is destroyed, then bye bye units.

    And maybe some units can go inside a destroyed bunkers enterance into the tunnels, Imagine a CG by blizzard in which some marines run down a make shift hall way down to a fall back point only to discover Zerglings pwned all the previous inhabitants.

    Fits the Zerg very well, like in the infested science vessel cut scene. (I looked for the video but found only 1 page without finding it)

    EDIT: g night all, im bored but might be on later, doubt it though
  5. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    I think that it is a pretty good idea, but.... The Nydus Worm works the same way. I dont think that both Terran and Zerg should have so similar mechanics.
  6. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    imo it should be just a connection between 2 bunkers only, every 2 bunkers need resources to build the tunnel. but other than that its a great idea
  7. carlsjr11

    carlsjr11 New Member

    Nov 2, 2007
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    yeah gasmaskguy is write kinda sounds like a copy of the zerg cannal