As trading gets more and more important on this forum, I believe a bump rule should be added. Q - What is a bump? A - A bump is when you reply to your own (or someone's else) topic just to move it back to the top so everyone sees it. Q - Why do we need a bump rule? A - Because people are starting to bump their topic too often and it creates double posts and it is spam. Q - Ok, so what is the bump rule? A - You can bump your thread only once a day (once every 24 hours). Q - What if the trade section gets so active that even with one bump every day my topic is still going down to fast? A - If we need too, we might change the rule to 1 bump every 12 hours, or one every 6 hours. Thanks for your understanding and thanks for keeping this forum clean.
He means: why is it under "forum shop and battle arcade"? Probably because it refers to double posting, which refers to winning minerals, which can be used at the store, correct me if I'm wrong.
I rarely make a buy my stuff thread.. I just like to post it in others, but almost the same threads. If someone is looking for it, he will find.