I love my spam questions about triggers.. totally amazing! but other ppl can use em so its good.. I have a problem with a building going over a location.. In my new map i have a location laid down that NO BUILDINGS can cross it.. and i have it set to Current player brings w/e (building) to location 1... Move all w/e's owned by C/P to location 2 Preserve trigger and they fly over it? wt .... am i missing sum thing?
In your Bring condition, what is the conditional argument? (Is it At Least, At Most, or Exactly?) It should be At Least 1. Are you sure the trigger is set for the correct players?
just tried it, worked perfectly. Current player brings atleast 1 buildings to location 1 move all buildings owned by current player to location 0 preserve ^i had that and it was fine unless you made a mistake with the names idk what the problem is.
Well, player 1 2 3 and 4 are called "Defenders" so i made it Defenders bring 1 Building unless thats my mistake there? Juss it works 50% of the time ionno
If you don't have hyper triggers, there is a possible 1 second delay for every trigger, so if it takes less than 1 second for a building to move past the location, the trigger has a chance of not working.
ahhh that might be my problem.... and i tried a hyper trigger didnt work and i have no waits in my defense map heh
make the location big enough have the condition set to "bring atleast >1< >bldg< to >location< then.... meh, just follow overmind....
progress report capt'n oh and it sometimes doesn't work for building buildings in the location, ruined plans for awesome protoss map...